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View Full Version : Does anybody feed their fish local seaweed?

03/06/2002, 12:40 PM
The weather is warmer now so I have started sea kayaking again. On my trips I have started collecting various types of seaweed from offshore seaweed beds to see if my fish will eat it. Most types of seaweed my tangs and other fish will not touch but there are a few varieties they gobble right up. A red tissue paper like seaweed is what they like best. My foxface will eat most any seaweed I throw in there - he is a pig :)
There are a few shoals in outer Boston harbor and off Cape Ann where deep water rises abruptly and there is a lot of seaweed that grows in these areas that I have not seen close to shore. It is easy to collect in a kayak as long as you do not mind the seals :) They scare the bejessus out of me when they pop their head out of the water five feet from your face when you are reaching into the water.

Suprisingly the stuff will last in my tank for a couple days which is neat considering water temp offshore right now is about 39. I give it a good cleaning and just throw it in. Does anybody else collect seaweed for their fish?

03/06/2002, 04:36 PM
Yeah! During the Summer months I try to get some seaweed. I have to time it right since I am pick up off the shore. It cannot be after a rain. Storm drains bring all kinds of pollution into the harbor. And I go during high tide.
But I have tried the long thick brown kelp-looking stuff. My tang nibbled on it, but not much.
There is some other stuff that grows in tufts on the rocks. It is red/brown and grows in blades about 1/2 cm thick. They can get as long as 15cm (~6 inches). Kinda reminds me of a picture I saw of IPSF's "tang heaven." That stuff my tang tore up. My hermits loved it too.
The various green seaweed I tired is ignored. THen it just makes a mess in the tank. I'll try more seaweed soon. May try another piece (smaler this time) of that brown kelp in my lettuce clip.

03/07/2002, 09:52 AM
Hi Moe! Glad to see somebody trying seaweed out as well. I have had no luck with green seaweed either. The brown and red are always tried and some of the those varieties are devoured right away. Like you said, most of the stuff they really like looks like the tang heaven stuff from IPSF. I wonder if the fish really like it or maybe they are just being fooled by the appearance and think they are having a tropical salad from Hawaii :)

03/08/2002, 01:41 PM
my tangs love the stuff.

I pick it up at the boat ramp
while collecting water for my water changes

also the star fish are a cheap source of food for Harlequin shrimp they love them,and are great for anyone wanting to breed that shrimp more cost effective.

03/08/2002, 03:21 PM

which type of local seaweed works for your tangs?

ever try that green stuff with the gas pockets? i usually see it in clumps growing in mussel beds.

03/11/2002, 07:11 AM
yes they do like that kind
and i mostly get that kind

hope to see you friday
you will not be sorry its a fun trip