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View Full Version : Do Fish Like BEER???

03/05/2002, 11:36 PM
First post
Hello everyone, after lurking in these waters for quite some time, I finally have something to post about. I have been following every post for the problems I have had and for problems I might have in the future. (Best board I have found) I never thought I would have something like this to ask a question about…

Do fish like BEER?

The reason for this post:
I just purchased a Mag-12 and changed my return plumbing but found I did not like the flow… So I decided to replumb and go back to what I had for return flow. Plumbing wise…anyway. While in the process of changing my return back to it’s original state I accidentally knocked my ½ full beer into the tank. I grabbed it as soon as I could but about 4oz wound up in the tank. Will this affect anything or do I have problem on my hands? By the way my tank has about 140gal total capacity

Thanks in advance for your help

03/06/2002, 12:06 AM
I would think it wouldn't be good for your tank but doing water changes is probably the best solution.

03/06/2002, 12:13 AM
Thanks for the reply! I have 30g ready for a water change and was planning on doing it as soon as I finished the plumbing changes. Actually I am doing it now since the damage is already done. I just was not sure if it would have significant effect on the tank. I have had it up and running for 7 months with no problems

03/06/2002, 12:21 AM
So long as your beer doesn't contain heavy metals, it should be o.k. with continued water changes. Dilution is the best solution.:)

03/06/2002, 12:54 AM

I am from Dallas and I want to know where you think the best LFS in town is.
I have never looked in FW for any stores but I will if there are an y good ones.

03/06/2002, 10:05 AM

The only store I might suggest is Planet Pet. The guy that owned the World Down Under has bought it out and is in process of relocating the store to PP. It is located at Harwood DR and Brown Trail in Bedford. Other than that the pickins is slim.


03/06/2002, 12:06 PM

I feel your pain. I have lost many a beer to the tank while doing maintenance and have yet to have a problem because of it. I agree with dattack in that water changes are a good idea to dilute and impurities the beer could have added to the tank.


03/06/2002, 12:14 PM
....on the other hand, beer does contain carbonates. ;)
Perhaps with some beer-milk concoction, you could be on the way to the next generation of handy two-part buffering systems.

Kidding of course. :)

03/06/2002, 12:59 PM
Do fish like BEER?

OMG, I hope not!! I have a hard enough time keeping that stuff in the fridge as it is. :D

Dependeing on your water volume, I don't think a 4 oz. spill will make much of a difference to your water quality. But, if it worries you a water change will never hurt.

03/06/2002, 01:16 PM
Well I had 30g made up for a water change to do last night anyway. I did the change and this afternoon everything looks to be ok.

Something about maintenance and beer go hand in hand. Guess I'll have to change my ways(yeah right)!

Thanks again

03/06/2002, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by bsharp1313

I am from Dallas and I want to know where you think the best LFS in town is.
I have never looked in FW for any stores but I will if there are an y good ones.

I go to Dallas North Aquarium in Carrollton. I haven't really been to any other LFS, but they treat me good and seem very nowledgeable. I am new to the hobby and have used them for most everthing since I started in Dec. I recommend them.

Also, check out http://www.viewoftheocean.net. Exclusively internet ordering, BUT he lives in Carrollton. I have dealt with Terry and was very pleased. You can get a good deal on stuff since you don't have to pay shipping.

03/06/2002, 02:26 PM
I was not impressed with the Dallas North Aquarium the last few times I have gone there.
I like to go to the Pet Boutique in NE dallas on Garland rd near White Rock Lake. They have the best Live Rock I have seen in Dallas.

03/06/2002, 03:21 PM
The first step is that your fishes recognize they have a drinking problem, netx, take ´em to AA.
I know it´s hard but they can do it.;)

03/06/2002, 07:54 PM
Hey, its okay to get your fish drunk as long as you don't live in Ohio. Its illegal to get fish drunk there. So your clean in Texas. Also remember to make sure your fish don't take more than three sips while standing up, that is banned in Texas, and don't buy the encyclopedia Brittanica to find out how to make beer, thats prohibited too.

Just dillute it and if the problem continues take the fish to a help group.

03/07/2002, 12:43 AM
I know mathematics and reef keeping don't mix, but what exactly is the point of a 30 gal water change. At best you would achieve the removal of approximately 20% of the input beer (a crude estimate) which is the same as having only poured 3.2 oz in the tank in the first place. Make belive you poured in 5 oz and already did a 30 gal change and you'd be right where you are now. Besides, If 4 oz is fatal, so will 3 oz. Don't waste your time. If beer is toxic you need to change nearly all the water in your tank to have a meaningful reduction in the concentration.

Beer is mostly water, carbohydrates and other organic matter. Not much worse than the fish food you put in your tank. There is only a small amount of alcohol. If you drinking "real" beer you might be at 6% alcohol which means you put in 1/4 to 1/3 oz of alcohol - in 140 gal, plus whatever sump volume.

Just go open another one and relax- there's little you can do and after a few more it won't matter.

03/07/2002, 01:12 PM
yeah, i wouldn´t worry too much about that.
keep it cool:eek1:

03/07/2002, 03:21 PM

Actually the water change was part of the maintenance that I was planning on doing already. Just happened to be the same night I was getting my tank drunk...

See Ya

03/07/2002, 04:05 PM
How are the fish right now?
if they are ok up to now, you will probably be ok

03/07/2002, 04:15 PM
No losses yet. The few corals I have seem to be expanded a little more. I'm sure that it's due to the water change and not the beer.
But who knows, they may like it after all. I could swear the Brittle Star was waving 5 little beer mugs at me

Thanks for all the help