View Full Version : What corals could I keep with 16x flow rate and 260wPC light?

10/12/2005, 08:56 AM
Many have said that I can keep corals at 16x flow rate, is this true?

As seen in my other posts, I would like to know if I am better off getting either a SEIO 1500 (which would bring to 32x), a SEIO 620 (which would bring me to a 16x flow rate). Some have said just add to MJ1200's BUT that cost more in the long run due to electric bills. Does the SEIO 620, which is only 8watts better than the maxijets?

Reason I ask so many questions is that I get so many mixed reviews. However once I start seeing that I am going with one brand that will be good; I need to know which model of that brand would probably be my first choice. Which is why I ask if the SEIO 620 would be sufficient for softies, and other moderate flow corals.

Any opinions please??? :)

10/12/2005, 09:34 AM
I've been running a 55 for a bit over a year and a half, which does not make me expert in anything, but.....
I've an external sump with a mag 9 that drive a series of returns through a SQWD and a Seio 620 for added in-tank flow. I think the 620 by itself is just a little small and would suggest at least an 820 or better, a pair of 620's aimed at different levels for better mixing of the water column. The Seios move water differently than the Maxijets. The Maxijet is a directed stream of water (like a hose) where as the Seios push a wider, more turbulent column of water (sort of like a hose with coarse spray nozzel). The important thing in the tank is to try to avoid stagnant (or dead) areas.

Now, to your original question. Ricordea's and zoanthids in the brighter sections, LPS ( frogspawns, hammers, etc), various leathers, mushrooms.
There are others but the list gets too long. HTH

10/12/2005, 09:35 AM
it would be good to save on electricity, also some other added info is that the SEIO 620 is $32. Just some thoughts to add in.

THANKS!!! ;)

10/12/2005, 09:38 AM

I am and will be running a MJ1200 with the SEIo pump though. Does this make the SEIO 620 more sufficient or do you still think the 820, which would make it 20x a better way to go?

- Chris

10/12/2005, 10:43 AM
Various softies will do fine: green leathers, green sinularia, mushrooms (but this varies on color as to how much light they like), Kenya Trees, Colt Corals, Finger leathers, zoanthids, Hammers, Cabbage leathers, etc......