View Full Version : blue hippo tang rubbing against rocks...

10/03/2005, 07:47 PM
Hi everyone,

I have a small (two inch) baby blue tang that is rubbing up against rocks now that looks like he's trying to scrape off a parasite or something? I have checked him out closely and see no visual sign of anything (ick).

I have a fire shrimp that I saw clean him one time in the last day but he's been doing it all day today (rubbing against rocks). Otherwise he is swimming okay and just chowed down on brine shrimp.

No other fish are displaying this problem. Tankmates are pair of clowns, scopas tang, lemon peel, and red lobster. 90g tank w/sump all parameters checked out good.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

10/03/2005, 08:16 PM
Hmm, maybe an ich infestation that isn't visible yet?

10/03/2005, 08:52 PM
Agreed. Sounds like ich in the making to me as well.


10/11/2005, 03:42 PM
Wow, I'm currently going through that problem also. My Regal Tang started doing the same thing eventually it turned out to be ICH very bad ICH then it started spreading to my $150 wrasse. I had to move all my fish to a QT tank. You might have to do the same if you want to save your tang and other fish. Good Luck.

10/11/2005, 04:23 PM
Treat him now while he's healthy. When he starts to go down hill he'll go fast.

10/11/2005, 04:30 PM
do you have a UV on ur tank?

sometimes with hippos, any only hippos they rub up against rocks. They are a weird fish sometimes. So if there are no signs of ich and u have a UV working and running. It could just be his behavior. If not- treat him and ur tank fast

10/11/2005, 05:48 PM
Yeah, My hippo did the same thing, it didn't have any ich or nothing. It just kinda always rubbed itself on the rocks and stuff when it was younger. Now its a 9 1/2 inch beast knocking all my corals down........