View Full Version : Percula Choice. True or False?

09/26/2005, 07:29 PM
I apologize if this is a repeat question, but search services are off-line.

I want to buy a percula clown, but they come in 2 varies True percula clowns and False percula clowns. I have read up on what makes them different, but still have not found answer why choose one over the other. I know a lot people have false percula clowns in their tanks, but also a lot people have true perculas as well. What are the deciding factors on which species? Or is it a personal preference thing? Or which anemones will be placed in the tank?

- Matt

09/26/2005, 07:33 PM
its a personal preference. IMO anyway. true percs are usually more expensive as well. i have 2 false percs myself. they are very entertaining :D. hopefully i will be seeing some eggs from the soon.

09/26/2005, 08:04 PM
I've had both, I like the ocellaris, cheaper and easier, mind you the percs are not a difficult fish, but on a few occasions I had to put alot of effort into getting them to start eating. my answer is False.

09/26/2005, 08:23 PM
I couldn't pass on the color or true percs.

So that's what I got. They were juveniles and have paired up nicely.

09/26/2005, 09:33 PM
Tank raised false percs are very entertaining. The yare pretty inexpensive and seem almost like a dog, mine follow me everywhere when I am close to the tank. The last true perc I had became more agressive, almost like a tomato clown which drew blood biting me when I was doing tank maintenance.

09/26/2005, 10:05 PM
I have 2 true percs. They have been great!! The are supposedly WC and they eat fine. Actually they are voracious eaters and will eat the food off my feeding stick when I put it into the tank to feed my eel and shrimp. They also follow me around are always looking like they are hungry.

I actually wanted to get false percs, but I saw these two and really liked them. I am glad that I got them.

09/27/2005, 08:23 PM
The aggressive nature is what I’m more worried about with the true perculas. Are they only aggressive about their territory or the whole tank? I do the love that they can eat out of your hand. Very social fish.
