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View Full Version : Birthday Nano Cube Got Ideas?

09/24/2005, 11:40 PM
My boyfriend (pinkiron) just got me a nano-cube for my bday (thanks caseymou!!!). Anyway, I'm looking for ideas, advice, or whatever interesting comments you want to share!

Any ideas on aquascaping, and with pics would be way too cool :) :bum:

09/25/2005, 12:05 AM


For ideas on aquascaping a nano-reef, check out this thread: http://archive.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=659579

09/25/2005, 12:53 AM
Thanks! My boyfriend says he's gotten me addicted already... he he! The tank which we purchased from caseymou came with some zoos, xenia, mushrooms, and gsp. We added a flame scallop, 5 margarita snails, 10 nassiarius snails, 5 bumblebees, one green and one red crab. I plan to steal a zoo rock, a ricordia, a green frilly mushroom, and some strange looking mushrooms and zoos from his well established 55 gal. reef tank. I have no idea how I want to aquascape but I think I really dig that Atoll shape and I like the ledges. Right now it's kinda just where it landed so it needs some aquascaping... so any ideas or suggestions would be great. He's letting me do it all... he's just my spiritual guide... :)

09/25/2005, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by nano_angel
any ideas or suggestions would be great.Well, the only possible problem I see is that Flame Scallop dieing. They're not very hardy in large tanks, let alone a nano. They're filter feeders that probably won't find enough nutrients in your little tank. Other than that, sounds like you have a nice setup going. Best of luck :).

09/25/2005, 01:15 AM
That's kinda what my bf said but the little guy is no bigger than a quarter he's so cute and I added some dt's so I hope hell be ok but if he starts to look sad my bf has a place in his tank... thanks for the post and the advice... :)..

09/25/2005, 09:29 PM
I aquascaped tonight for my first time it doesn't look too bad. I should have pics soon. i have several shrooms, some zoos, xenia, and a couple of ricordias. I added two crabs and some snails. I noticed the rocks had a lot of bristol worms... do I need to do something about those? If so what?

09/25/2005, 09:36 PM
Bristle worms are good...to a certain extent. When they get REALLY huge, they can be a nuisance. If you just have little ones though (under a couple inches long) I wouldn't worry about them. Can't wait to see pics of the setup :).

09/25/2005, 09:37 PM
I have had my Electric Flame for 6mo.I target feed 2x a week I was told it wouldn't last either,but im always up for a challenge.

This pic is a week old.My girl named him Clamboy.


09/25/2005, 09:48 PM
I am naming my new friends after characters from LOST. That is "our" show... so far I have a big green emerald crab I named Hurley... because he's the biggest thing in the tank and he's green and Hurley won the lottery. I also have a red crab I named Rose because I am sure we'll see her again eventually. I named my scallop Art because he went up in flames last season. I don't normally name anything without eyes... but now.. .my scallop is cnter stage for now. Your scallop is cool... thanks for sharing. Keep suggesting reefers and thanks

09/25/2005, 09:58 PM
eh my experience with flame scallops was that they move around and knock stuff over, as soon as mine unlatched its foot it took it back

09/26/2005, 10:50 PM
Thanks... there's nothing to knock over in my tank yet so this scallop is free to move about the country... and he is doing so.

My bf added a purple bush goregonia tonight to my tank, it was a piece from his tank... it's beautiful and it's looking better in my tank already :)

We also did a water test and everything is perfect but my ph is slightly low (7.8) and my nitrates are a tad high (.5) but not too bad for my first time.

09/26/2005, 10:53 PM
those nitrates are fine, but id work on the ph. sometimes when setting up a new tank, the ph is low, but will rebound with time. if there's one thing that heals all in a reef, its time.