View Full Version : major desaster help me yet

02/27/2002, 03:55 AM
i was in a major disater i drop about 3 gal of fresh milky kalwaser
i made a bucket of fresh water so i put my top off off to fill the bucket but in a day the water get lower so tonight i put on my top off an forget to by pass my kalkwasser reactor so my ph was
about 9.9 when i go in the kitchen it was there maybe for one hour I just dont realy not know exeactly what to do so i drop
vinegar to get the ph drop now it is 8.2 but i dont see a lot what is going there because everyting is white

I have a bucket of new salwater that i have done today so i put my 2 tang in they here on there side on the glass when i get them so i put them in the bucket they are okey now

did i was better to put some in there or all the worst is back and damage done since PH is drop now

hope i will not loose every ting

02/27/2002, 04:17 AM
I tink I made the right move to put in vinegar because now the
cloud disaper slowly I put a diatom filter in I began to see in my cleaner shrimps are ok
buch of pods play on the sand , conch do fine to, even the polips
of my blue acro are out,see fan open, I just dont have see my blue tang hope is get it ,

DR do you tink I sould do someting special now because i could
have kill a lot of ting that i dont see like worm or other and have a major nutriment unbalance ?


02/27/2002, 12:56 PM
Hi Stephane,

Just let the system come back to normal. Some animals may be killed by this - Xenia and bulb-tipped anemones are quite sensitive to high pH. Most other animals will recover just fine.


02/28/2002, 02:46 AM
that been 24 houre and today everyting just look find
the tank was upgrade just one month ago from my old 105
and i have added a DSB since then my big old leather (5 years) alway seem to be unexpand but today i dont know if he like the spike but he was like before the transfer. All acro look very good, xenia,frog spawn every ting is like notting have ever happend even my 2 tang are just find when i catch them they here praticaly dead before to lower the PH. I even take them with my hand because i was not able to join them in the bottom whith my net and they dont even move so i tink i m realy luky to have saved those old budy

I have tested my alk and it was very good near 3.5 meq I tink whith the add of the vinegar i have limit the precipitate i have
drop more than one liter of vinegar in the 130 to drop the ph from 9.9 to 8.2
the kalk reactor was refil in the morning whit 2 full cup of fresh kalk so the water was very very milky

I will make a couple of 25% water change to make shure everyting do find in long term

tank DR

02/28/2002, 11:42 AM
Hi Stephane,

Glad to hear the good news.

Water changes are probably called for.

Vinegar adds acetate ion to the tank, and many organisms can use this as food. You may get an algal bloom from this in few days, but it should pass.


03/01/2002, 04:14 PM
hello DR I made a 25% water change yesterday I will do another one in a couple

everyting look very find but the water is milky this mornigng
I have put a diatom filter but still milky no bad smell or anyting
just milky

yestedday it was pefectly clear do you have a clue what going on

I have to say that i have dinoflagelate for about 1 month they are more in the bottom rock and sand and probably normal because
of the the new DSB I hope it will not grow under control because they are very bad they already kill me 5 astrea I have to put them on the upper glass of the of the tank because when they are on the bottom they parralise an die

on the other hand my 4 queen conch seem to realy love the algea whithout any sign of non healty they eat it it like hells :dance:

I have orther 20 pound of LIVE SAND from fiji I will have it next week hope it will help ! because from now I have only added
3 pound of cultured one and and spaggety worm nassarious
there already ton of briste and pods from my old live rock but i tink ther probably not set yet. it is hard to find that stuff here and
he is very expensive 12$ pound (Quebec)

this on a 130 gal 4" DSB

by the way my fish Have dig in the sand under the rock probably
to make some nest so the sand there is not 4" could it affect sommeting? 1 yellow tang, one purple, one blue,and a blue damselle are the fish i have

now i make 1 25% water change each week and have added
a diatom filter in the input off my sump pump. When I get it out the dino take more and more space when the filter in it realy contain them but not more

I have a very efficient skimmer an Areofoamer it pull out a lot of junk but can not get rid of those #$#$%&$%?&%? algea

I have not set up a refugum yet but I will put one in my sumps soon whit caulerpra

see you dr :D


03/02/2002, 10:52 AM
Hi Stephane,

The milky water is probably just fine particulate calcium carbonate.

In the long run, your tank will not support 4 queen conchs, it simply doesn't have the sand surface that they will need as they get larger.

Dinoflagellates do not kill snails, something else is happening to the Astraea.

You need to start some sort of algal export procedure. In other words, you need to grow some macroalgae somewhere in the system so that you may harvest and remove portions of them. In this way you will lower nutrients signficantly and continually. This method removes a lot of nutrients that skimmers cannot remove.

Fish disturbance of the sand bed can impact it severely, depending on the size and relative frequency of the disturbances.

Good luck :D

03/02/2002, 11:22 AM
For now i like to have more but i will donate 2 of them when my batle finish (conch)

the fish have dig and now they dont touch it unless I refill there hole but my major concern is it it ok to let this hole

my conclution that algea have kill my astera come from if i put one in the midle of an algea patch when it get out off this shell to attach is foot on the substate and touch the algae it step and retract very fast they do that for about 30 min. and then simply retract and wait if i let them there it will finaly die if i take it on an area where no algea are it will restart to do nomaly so just tell wath append !

the algea that i have is brown an have buble in it at the end of the day the algea detach they self and float whith a buble they copletly disapear at night and came in in the midle of the day
this a photo off what they look like

03/02/2002, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by stephane


the fish have dig and now they dont touch it unless I refill there hole but my major concern is it it ok to let this hole

It is probably fine.

...no algea are it will restart to do nomaly so just tell wath append !

Well, maybe you do have a toxic alga. Relatively few snails normally will respond to any alga this way.

the algea that i have is brown an have buble in it at the end of the day the algea detach they self and float whith a buble they copletly disapear at night and came in in the midle of the day
this a photo off what they look like

Possibly dinoflagellates, possibly diatoms - one can't be definitive unless you can look at them microscopically.

03/17/2002, 08:08 PM
this is a 600x film of my killer algea could you tell me what it is
I try to send it but not accept it was (.avi) do you have email here i can send it dirrect to you


03/17/2002, 08:33 PM
I have send you the film by email.

03/18/2002, 06:51 AM

I couldn't really see much in your movie. From the motion I could see, they did appear to be dinoflagellates.


03/20/2002, 11:22 PM
could antibiotic red slime remover work whit dino I have try aniting possible on the last month an just noting work im now about to try aniting to eliminate that @#$ %$%?%?& ting

I have put poly filter, becket skimmer, phosphate silicate remover,
chemi clean, 6 x25% and 1x 50% water change, shut down MH,caulerpa and let only actinic grrrrrrrrrr...! this stuff have kill for now 9 astrea, a pink acro, a yellow leather , an is in for my big 6 years old leather who have white spot of infection maybe due to Chemi clean I just dont know ! shut down the light blow the algea and all have probably stress a lot my coral my fish are now starving I have given them alf cube of formula one every week for
one month so it shurely not a food imbalance the only time I have see my coral look happy is after I have dompt 1 liter of vinegar after my kalk desaster and it have stay like that for about 3 day

the parameter are all good im not a newbe it the reef but it seem that nothing logical work that algea is about to destroy my reef
help me before it s to late !

03/21/2002, 10:27 AM
Hi Stephane,

The red algae remover will not probably work with dinoflagellates.

Your system has a severe nutrient imbalance. If this was my tank....

I would do several back-to-back major water changes, at least 50% each time, and actually as much water as I could get out. Each time I would vacuum as much of the stuff out as I could.

I would do these daily for a week.

After that, I would make sure that my macroalgae were growing well and I would be harvesting them periodically to remove excess nutrients.

I would put the lights on to their normal cycle - only by getting the majority of photosynthetic organisms in the system going, can you hope to divert needed nutrient from this alga.

Good luck!