View Full Version : best way to cut acrylic?

09/08/2005, 01:15 AM
So im going to build my own sump and I am going to use a glass tank but I will use acrylic for the dividers in it, whats the best way to cut the acrylic and the best glue? thanks,


09/08/2005, 01:24 AM
The best way is to give the measurements to the acrylic shop as they have really nice saw blades to do it. Second best way is to use a table saw, with an appropriate blade. If you don't have a table saw you can use a score and snap method just like cutting glass. If you are just siliconing the baffles in (as it sounds) you can get more than close enough with score and snap method. If you are going to use glue to attach acrylic to acrylic you will want to dress the edges to ensure there is a perfect connection with no gaps and true 90 degree angles.

09/08/2005, 01:48 AM
it will be acrylic to glass, I hate the score and snap method, almost cut my thumb off doing it that way once, I used a saw blade too, that worked but I dont have a saw blade anymore, what kind of places cut acrylic?


09/08/2005, 02:47 AM
A plastic shop that sells it will cut it for you. That being said, you aren't going to get a very good bond trying to silicone acrylic to glass. I think you would be better off going to a glass shop and having them cut some glass panes to use as dividers. Just sand down the edges or have them do it and the silicone will stick good and you won't risk cutting your fingers off.

09/08/2005, 03:26 AM
well tomorow I will search around stores and get something put together, thanks guys,
