View Full Version : What type of aquarium is this?

09/02/2005, 02:15 PM
I remember awhile back reading about a type of aquarium setup where the water is pumped in through the bottom and is allowed to overflow the tank and into the sump. Basically a tank where the water overflows the top. What is this type of system called?

09/02/2005, 03:11 PM
A tank with an overflow leading to a sump?

09/02/2005, 03:55 PM
No, it's a tank where the water actually flows over the top of the tank, down all four sides of the tank and into a catchment basin/sump. I just wanted to see some pictures of these types of tanks. I have an idea in mind for this type of system.

09/02/2005, 04:26 PM
lfs in langhore pa has one for 12 inches deep for clams and coral, the acrylic is thick 1.5 inches and looks really cool since you do not see any finger prints, smudges etc. , I can not see it being practical for a front viewable tank, this tank is viewed from above.