View Full Version : buying a second crocea, QT for how long?

08/27/2005, 10:22 AM
I have a healthy crocea and have ordered a second...

How long do i qt and what do i look for in case of pinched mantle?

How can i treat PM when clam is in qt if needs be?

Is a clam with PM a unhealthy clam and covered under a vendor's warranty/health guarantee? Or is it a normal and treatable condition?

08/30/2005, 08:25 AM
Anyone want to share their QT proceedure?

I have read that a fresh water dip is a last resort for PM. But is their any treatment less drastic?

I I have read about using metro... For those who have tried, does that work?

Anyone had a clam die from PM and have a vendor cover the loss?

Hopefully i will not need any of this information but---

08/31/2005, 08:45 PM
Well i got no suggestions but listen to this---

First, with the hurricane the fed ex priority over night turned into i get it to you two days later at 5pm.... Got various corals, two fish, and a clam.... They all made it minus a fish and maybe one of the corals.... too early to tell (yellow figi thing)

Umm, I order a 3 crocea inch clam online and was sent a 5 maybe 6 inch monster!?!?
When i first opened the bag i thought it was a really big scallop or piece of live rock or something... then i did the old double take...

It looks bigger in the aquarium with the magnifying effect.

I was going to buy 'a pick what you see clam' but just didn't bother as the internet or server or something was not letting me...
Instead, I left a comment on the order notes that read:

"pick out a nice clam for me again guys, bigger with nice colars"

Yeah, they took that real literal!!!

It has responded well to acclimation and is nearly fully open-- It's big....

I am little concerned with my lighting system being able to feed it. May have to grow more phytoplankton i guess. Any thoughts? I know t5's are new and there is a lot of speculation about what you can keep under them... In this case i hope it's not hype for the clams sake.

My other crocea's shell has grown about an 1/8 inch since i got the T5's in june... But that one is only 2 1/2 inches... I don't know--this second clam is at least four times the 3 dimensional size and weight!!! I will place it high up, but i will have to rearrange corals to make room.

I'll post a picture when it gets in the tank,