View Full Version : Interceptor and Ick?

07/29/2005, 03:58 PM
I was looking at my tank and getting upset because the newest addition to my tank, a clown goby, even after going through a quarentine period somehow has what appears to be ick. A friend of mine had recently had to dose his tank with interceptor because of an infestation of redbugs and so i did some reading on interceptor. As i understand things, interceptor kills anything "crunchy" i.e. things with an exoskeleton. Does Ick fit into that category and can interceptor be used as a anti-ick total reef tank treatment that will only kill our hermits and shrimp? I can catch the shrimp and don't care about my hermits much.

Randy Holmes-Farley
07/29/2005, 06:50 PM
I've never heard of it being useful for ich.

07/29/2005, 07:00 PM
Interceptor kills arthropods and roundworms. Ich doesn't fall into either of those categories. Ich is a ciliated protozoan. AFAIK it hasn't been tested as an ich treatment, but I highly doubt it will have any effect on the parasite.

Besides harming just shrimp and crabs interceptor also wipes out all of your pods.

07/30/2005, 01:25 AM
yeah guessed the pods too just wasn't sure if ich was a ciliated protozoan like you said or something that would be harmed. The goby is cheap but I don't want it to spread to my other fish. You try to teach them right. You monitor what they watch and who their friends are. You put them through quarentine with copper and antibiotics and yet they still come home with ich. Whats the world comming too?