View Full Version : HOT magnum ?

07/14/2005, 06:48 AM
I recently purchased the magnum and can't seem to stop the constant flow of micro bubbles. I have triple checked everything and can't seem to find the problem. Has anyone else had this problem?

07/14/2005, 07:21 AM
I have one that does the same thing, but it is not brand new, not old either, it is sucking air in someplace just can not figure out where...guessing it has to be either the main gasket between the top and bottom piece, or perhaps the o-ring on the intake side....check both of those, and try putting some type of silicone on the o-rings and gaskets, that may help, they make silicone just for that purpose...


07/14/2005, 07:34 AM
I just put some vaseline around the main gasket to ensure a tight seal.


07/14/2005, 08:18 AM
mine was doing the same thing - I thought I was going insane. I am glad to see others have gotten past that. Thanks ccirish for asking!

07/14/2005, 10:24 AM
I have one of these too. It's a good filter, but a bit tempermental. I agree you should lubricate or replace the main gasket (red rubber-band). Also, take a look at the places where the hoses snap in. Make sure those are locked into place and maybe lubricate the o-rings.

07/14/2005, 11:36 AM
Yeah...make sure that the ring is sitting properly and lubricating it might be a good measure....but try this: Before you close those up, fill them with water so they don't have to work so hard at self-priming.