View Full Version : Type of host?!?!?

Dan the sea man
07/11/2005, 09:29 PM
Yes i am thinking about purchasing a BTA(bubble tip anemone) for my 10 gallon nano. I was just wondering which would be better hosts 2 true Percula clowns or 1 maroon clown?

07/11/2005, 09:51 PM
Unless you have a lot of experiance with anemones, I would discourage you from trying to keep one in a 10 gal tank. Water conditions in a 10 gal fluctuate too much to keep a clownfish hosting anemone happy for any length of time. The other thing to consider is, a happy bta will quickly(in a few months) out grow a 10 gal tank.

07/11/2005, 09:52 PM
in a 10...i'd only go w/ 1 maroon...

07/11/2005, 10:30 PM
Go for Percs. A Maroon will get huge.

07/12/2005, 03:58 PM
i say your tank will be too small for such a demanding animal as an anemone. You can easily keep clowns without an anemone. I also think a ten gallon is too small for a maroon, they are some of the largest clowns. I know how addicting clowns and anemones can be for most of us, however, if i were you i would try to exercise some restraint and skip the anemone. Sorry for the negativity, but i serioulsy think you should either get a larger tank, or look for a differant choice of livestock. Best of luck.

Mud Shrimp Moe
07/12/2005, 04:20 PM
I agree on all points. Maroon's are too big. A 10 gal isn't a good home for a BTA unless one could keep conditions ultra stable.

Dan the sea man
07/12/2005, 05:25 PM
i was just thinking as long as all of my parameters stay right and everything is good then he should be fine. And if he does out grow my tank then sell him back to the store.

07/13/2005, 03:13 PM
Im not sure how long youve been in this hobby, but anemones are some of the hardest to keep livestock out there. Even so called "easy" BTA's are not easy to keep healthy. Anemones need room to move and find proper flow and light conditions that suites them perfectly, and if your thinkiing of a maroon or two perculas, which by the way dont naturally host in BTA's anyway, you will need to get a large anemone. So as i said again your tank is just too small. I admire people who are able to keep nano tanks, but they have to be able control their urges to purchase certain items. Im sorry but i am almost sure you will not succeed with the BTA in such a small tank, nothing agianst you but i dont think there are many people out there who can do it. Sorry.

07/26/2005, 08:05 AM
I have a bubble tipped anemone in my 6 gallon and shes doing fine but every day i have to check the water perimiters and do a salt check each week i do a 10 percent water change

07/26/2005, 08:07 AM
but i agree with the rest they are hard to keep because i have had a couple die on me because i was dumb at this anemone thing and i got a carpet and a couple of others that were very pricey and then they died

Matthew Speights
07/26/2005, 05:14 PM
I would just keep a percula without the anemone. Especially if it is captive bred, it should not mind. Often clownfish will somewhat host in various soft corals, which might be easier to keep.

08/03/2005, 09:30 PM
yea try some mushooms, clowns will host them.