View Full Version : 40g breeder glass replacement/repair

06/08/2005, 01:10 AM
I"ve got a 40g breeder thatI Want to try and salvage. it's got a crack in the back pane of glass that starts 5-6" down one edge and goes up to the top, 5-6" in. Would you guys recommend jusy patching it w/ glass or replacing the pane?

06/08/2005, 02:44 AM
If you're not willing to have 40 gallons of water on the floor (hey, if it's a garage and the disaster isn't that bad, you might want to weigh your options), do it the clean and complete way... Honestly, the hardest part about replacing the pane is cutting away the old pane and silicone. If it's being stubborn, break it more with a blunt object to work off the pieces and use a few fresh razor blades.
I've stripped apart a few broken tanks and my advice is not to force any pieces that are siliconed.. I've broken many panes on 10 gallon tanks and a few on 20s too - the pressure exerted when you try to "bend" a side of the tank off will more often than not tear a piece off an adjacent pane rather than split the silicone.

06/08/2005, 02:50 AM
I"ve pretty much decided to get a new pane cut, have it drilled, THEN install it, will save lots of headache