View Full Version : Unique Zoanthid Frags Will Ship - NC

06/07/2005, 09:59 PM
Frags will be shipped via priority with tracking number.
Add $8.00 for shipping. First come, first served. Once you make payment please post here which one you bought.
I have 2 frags of 10 Polyps of this available:
The polyps are over 1/2" and Red with blue speckles.
Each Frag is $16
I have 5 Polyps of these greens:
Green Frag is $12
I can get up to 10 polyps of these blues

Minimum of two poylps.
Each polyp is $5
Or if you buy all 10 polyps it is $40


06/07/2005, 10:01 PM
I uploaded the blues now

06/07/2005, 10:21 PM
1 Red Frag left

06/07/2005, 10:21 PM
Funds sent for Frag 1 with Red/Blue speckles

06/07/2005, 10:25 PM
1 Frag of the reds are left.

06/07/2005, 11:16 PM
I am bringing the blues down to $4/polyp

06/07/2005, 11:55 PM
Reds and green are sold.
6 Blues are left

06/07/2005, 11:57 PM
Got red, green and blue frags.

06/07/2005, 11:57 PM
6 Blue polyps are left.

06/08/2005, 12:16 AM
3 Blues left

06/08/2005, 07:58 AM
I want them

06/08/2005, 08:03 AM
Thats $20 total for three polyps. Are they mounted to anything? If so I want them.

06/08/2005, 08:20 AM
I'll take the last 3 blues if pws doesn't.

06/08/2005, 11:25 AM
I can mount them. They are still avaialble

06/08/2005, 11:48 AM
What is your paypal. I want them if you will mount them for me. Also what will you ship them in? And will you wait until monday to ship?

06/08/2005, 12:17 PM
I can wait till mon. to ship. It will be easier because once I frag them I can then make sure they are alive. xboxfreak20@carolina.rr.com

06/08/2005, 01:01 PM
sent paypal

06/08/2005, 01:18 PM
Blues are all sold!

06/16/2005, 08:53 AM
I paid $20 with shipping for 3 blue zoos. I got 1/2 of a brown zoo! I want the right ones or I am gonna charge back with paypal. There where also a flatworms in the bag as well.

06/16/2005, 09:37 AM
anybody order the green ones? how do the greens look?

06/16/2005, 01:05 PM
PWS - What lighting do you have them under? I don't even have flatworms so I don't know how this is possible.

06/16/2005, 07:15 PM
have fun shipping frags of zoo's to people, i have had some people that were so happy they ordered more!! and others that just say that i suck and some that just dont care
i see why alot of people on here will not ship, ive learned my lesson:(

06/16/2005, 07:45 PM
Same here, a lot of people love them and others hate them and take it out on me. I do't know why?

06/16/2005, 07:52 PM

I got my Pinks and my Red w/Blue speckles and they are great and opened after about 10 min in the acclimation process. They did go into our quarrintine tank but have shown no issues or bugs :)

Put me down as a happy buyer from you.

06/16/2005, 07:56 PM
Great, I am glad you like them.

I am still confused on how PWS got flatworms?

06/16/2005, 08:06 PM
its tough to ship, cause who knows what, ups,fed ex,usps does to the packages, i have shipped some that the person said they were dead before they even got them , but i just shipped one frag out and had the wrong address so they shipped it back to me, so 3 days in the box, and they are in my tank now and after 9 minutes they opened, go figure!! i think alot has to with what kind of lights people are using and of course there water
but getting stuck with a complain sucks no matter what it was
and most of the older reefers will no ship, because of too many people complaining about stuff, sucks cause there is some reefers on here that i would love to get some stuff from, but they wont ship, cause of deals that went bad, im in that wagon now also:mad2:

06/16/2005, 08:07 PM
Well said

06/16/2005, 09:06 PM
it was one flatworm. I got it. I am wanting to know why I paid for blue zoos and three of them and got 1/2 of one on a rock that is brown. I got it under a 20k AB 150 MH. Still only 1/2 of one polyps on the rock and it has algea all behid the 1/2 of zoo also. I also don't know how you are selling us zoos when you have "Zoo Eating Nudi Branch" in your tank as in this thread...

06/16/2005, 09:07 PM
That is my other tank. I PMed you about sending you 5 more.

06/16/2005, 09:11 PM
I will show you a pic tomorrow. How many did you mount on the rock? I am the one that asked to have them mounted.

06/16/2005, 09:12 PM
Aslo what kinda lighting did you takes the pics under?

06/16/2005, 09:26 PM
you said the N word!!! i have thrown away colonys when everyone first heard about theses damn things untill i got everyone of them damn things, i search for them with a million candle light spot light
havent seen any in about 3/4 months now, fish are probably blind, but them nasty things are gone

06/16/2005, 09:33 PM
The blue pic was under 150 watt MH. I just checked the blues and they didn't open in my tank today. Wierd. DO you want me to send about 10-15 of a different color along with the blues just in case they don't make it through shipping? Yes, they were already mounted on the rock. I just cut that part of the rock off. There was a total of 5, so I included some extras.The blues don't seem to be doing very good in shipping

06/16/2005, 10:02 PM
what coral you willing to send?

06/16/2005, 10:08 PM
I can send some purples with yellow centers

06/16/2005, 10:32 PM
I would like to say that FishFreak20 is doing his (or her) best to resolve this unfortunate incident. Some people would just ignore the mails, but that was not the case here. I was offered replacement Zoos immediately, and wasn't worried about the shipping either. Very standup IMHO.

06/16/2005, 10:35 PM
Thanks, I just don't like to see unhappy customers
And I am a him. LOL

06/17/2005, 06:38 AM
Those sound good. I also thank you for replacing them as long as its not from the bad tank. If you think its easyer you can refund the payment. Its up to you which ever you wish to do would make me happy. Thanks

06/17/2005, 01:51 PM
I can not refund shipping though. Whatever you want to do.

06/17/2005, 03:09 PM
i have gotten MANY orders from fish and every single one was in Excellent shape and always had more zoo's then i had bought, he is an excellent shipper and seller, this case sounds very odd

06/17/2005, 03:10 PM
Thanks kid

06/17/2005, 05:28 PM
I'm not the only one either.

06/17/2005, 05:35 PM
PWS- I can't refund shipping so do you want $15 back?

06/17/2005, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by pws
I'm not the only one either.
SOmething is up with these blues and shipping. Nateharris bought some from me along with others and the blues didn't open but all the others did and he loves them.

06/22/2005, 07:26 AM
I filed a complaint with PayPal as I was not sent what I should of been sent. The rock I was sent was so small that the 1/2 of polyp that was brown took up the whole rock. Right behind the big 1/2 of polyp was nothing but algae. I also fund what I believe was a dead flatworm in the box. It was small yellow and like a cm.

The shipping was bad too. I always received zoos in a thermos. These was shipped in a little bag of water stuffed in a flat rate USPS box with no protection at all from the postal service. Also its been 90 degrees outside. I'm sure that didn't help with the zoos.

Everything seems good here on the board but in private messages he wanted a picture etc.. I found a flatworm (I think that's what it was) and was not going to put the 1/2 of a brown zoo in my tank so it went into the trash. Kind of hard to take a picture of something dead and that got pitched. Would any of you risk flat worms for a brown 1/2 of zoo?

I asked for a replacement or a full refund. Its not my fault they where not sent right or not the right thing which ever it was. I am not out to hurt anyone or try to get something for free. I am an honest person that wants what I paid for. Only kind of picture I could provide would be full tank ones showing its not in the tank.

I would be very careful when buying from this guy. I am out $20 now.

06/22/2005, 10:37 AM
I Pm'ed you about a refund or sendign you some more. Did you not get them??? WHy did you go file a complaint without even talking to me? I have over 50 happy customers who love the way I ship. A thermos is not a very good way to ship becasue the frag can bump against the hard plastic. I ahve to have a picture to verfiy becasue there are a lot of people who would lie.

06/22/2005, 10:50 AM
A thermos isn't the only way to ship zoo's i have been shipped zoo's only in a wet paper towel from CA and they lived Zoo's are VERY hardy corals and Fish would never cheapskate anyone, i just got ANOTHER order from them today and got far more then i ordered this user always trys to fix the problem if there is one. He has been trying the whole time to fix it and you haven't listened once and instead you go right to bad mouthing him on the forum and putting complaints in, if you would just kindy PM him and work the matter out you will find he is very easy to work with and isn't trying to screw you over, accidents in shipping do happen i know i've gotten many orders from maybe people i just kindly talk to them in PM and fix the problem no harm.

06/22/2005, 11:06 AM
Thermos trading has been around longer than you and I have been registered, bumping in a thermos will not kill zoos. Shipping in a wet towel may work, you still have to protect against temperature changes. Extreme and fluctuating temps WILL kill any coral.

Hellraisers, how did you ship your zoos?

06/22/2005, 11:07 AM
I didn't say thermos trading was bad. I have been in many myself. When I do a thermos trade I bag up the zoas and put the bag in the thermos.

06/22/2005, 12:49 PM
I ordered zoos, and am very happy with what i received. They are beautiful, and already spreading. Ithe first day, i was concered they were not the right ones, but i moved them closer to the lights, and they have oped up perfect. Thank you very much. Would like to get more in the future. :D :D :D

06/22/2005, 03:09 PM
Thanks and I am glad you liked them :)
I hate seeing my customers unhappy so I always try to resolve things but it is very hard to do so with PWS because he won't respond to me.

06/22/2005, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by botp2k1
Thermos trading has been around longer than you and I have been registered, bumping in a thermos will not kill zoos. Shipping in a wet towel may work, you still have to protect against temperature changes. Extreme and fluctuating temps WILL kill any coral.

Hellraisers, how did you ship your zoos?

i ship mine in a styro lined box and triple bag them, sometimes use 4 bags, then fill the box with shredded paper, to prevent movement and cap it off with styrofoam, i 3/4 thick styrofoam this has worked pretty good for me as i have tryed to copy how the big guys do it
the shedded paper helps the bags not getting thrown around in the box and keep them in place, and keeps the temp stable at the same time

06/22/2005, 03:24 PM
Where do you get styro lined boxes?

06/22/2005, 03:33 PM
fish i think you have done all that you can do,,,let the deal be done, some people are impossible to make happy

06/22/2005, 03:34 PM
cant buy styro lined boxes, you have to buy the styro and cut them to the box, 1 for the bottom 1 for the top and 4 for the sides
takes alittle more work, but works out good

06/22/2005, 03:42 PM
I'm happy with a bought from fish...good guy

06/22/2005, 05:08 PM
Thanks! :)

06/22/2005, 06:54 PM
I don't know either of you but I don't understand why you are badmouthing Fishfreak so bad without letting him make it up to you which to me he is trying way above and beyond your $20 to make you happy.
I myself would not do anything without a picture of the dead zoo's and even then you only paid $20.
I don't see any guarantee posted. Plus you want it shipped with a thermus which costs another $5. If you wanted that I think you should have told him and paid for the thermus.
Seems to me he tried every way to please you.
This is why people quit shipping.


06/22/2005, 08:23 PM
all this thread has proved is that, it is a warning to sellers not to sell to pws
THE END:fun1:

06/22/2005, 08:23 PM
Amen :)

06/23/2005, 11:01 AM
No fishfreak here wants to do all this stuff in private. I am letting people know how bad this was.

He will do nothing without a pic! It was 1/2 of a brown zoo. I throw it away right away and posted asking for a refund or a replacement. He says ok he will send a replacement on the boards but in private he comes and says he won't unless I have a picture.

There was a rock no bigger than a small driveway stone. It had hair algae on it and one 1/2 polyp. I also seen a flatworm or it might of even been his "Zoo Eating Nudi Branch" that he posted about. I don't know what it was. Was little and yellow but I was not putting the zoo in my tank with it being brown and covered in algae!

I never seen a coral shipped so poorly. I mean this was in those small flat rate USPS boxes with 1 bag full of water and air and the little rock. Nothing there to help with temp or anything. It was 90 degrees the day the shipment got to me.

Also the guy wants a picture even after saying others all complained about the blue zoos. Come on now anyone can see I was the first to post about it. If he was such a good seller don't you would think if he was contacted about a number of blue zoo shipments he would believe me.

06/23/2005, 11:08 AM
I was only contacted by nateharris and I sent out his replacements yesterday. He provided a picture and only 1-2 polyps made it. Everyone else that ordered from me loved everything. This thread should now be closed because there is no way for me to confirm that this really happened. I want to trust you but I can't without a picture and I am sure that everyone else on here would agree.

If it would make you happy I will send you some new zoas. I think it was wrong for you to send me a claim through paypal and report me without even talking to me. You never repsonded to my PM's.

06/23/2005, 11:15 AM
I throw the zoo away. I tryed to dig in the trash to find it to take a pic but wasn't able to find it that night.

I made my complaint to paypal. Seems since you sent any package even if it was empty I can't auto get my money back. I will count it as a loss. I am not a poor person so $20 is not going to hurt me one bit. Sad that $20 means so much to you though.

06/23/2005, 11:16 AM
By the way this is what nate thinks of you.

"FishFreak20 and his new cohort
Hey man,
My guess is that KidNCU is a new account that this guy has created to try and offset all the bad press he is getting.

If you look the account was just created a short while ago. Also there is a rebuttal to the negative posts, that Fishfreak then *immediately* responds to, thanking this new person.

Also KidNCU mentions about all the experience he/she has had online with ordering zoos, but his tag line says 10G/2 mos experience....

I have one blue that seems to have survived, but the green are now dying, and I am wondering if there aren't nudibranches on them.

Charlotte, NC

06/23/2005, 11:16 AM
Thanks for the compliment about me being poor. I appreciate it. :/

06/23/2005, 11:18 AM
No, kidcnu is a guy that lives in virginia. He had been on n-r.com for a while and recently joined RC.

06/23/2005, 11:20 AM
Just so everyone knows too I have been responding you your PMs.
"Re: Pic


pws wrote on 06/17/2005 09:17 AM:
Pretty funny you have to ask in private for a pic. I will get you a pic of the little rock with a 1/2 of a brown zoo that has a ton of algea right behind it. the 1/2 of one is pretty big so don't see how anything else could be on that little rock. I will get it to you tonight. If I don't get some kinda replacement I will get a refund from paypal either way. I am not out to rip you off. I paid very good money for 3 and didn't get any blue zoos. I would of said how nice they was if I would of got it. The water was clear as can be in the bag. Looks like a dead flatworm was in it. Was a light yellow looking color. The rock itself only had the algea and what looked like 1/2 of zoo.


FishFreak20 wrote on 06/16/2005 11:30 PM:
I will need a pic of your zoos before I ship them out



Ok, not that I don't trust you but there are many epople out there that will just try to get more."

06/23/2005, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by pws

Also KidNCU mentions about all the experience he/she has had online with ordering zoos, but his tag line says 10G/2 mos experience....

Charlotte, NC

Yea his tank has been up for about 3-4 months now. He got his first zoas form em and has since been coming back.

06/23/2005, 11:21 AM
Lets just quit fighting because this will continue on and spam up the boards.

06/23/2005, 11:22 AM
I seen the post about the VA thing so I don't think you and the KidNCU is the same person. Just posting how I'm not to only one here being ripped.

06/23/2005, 11:26 AM
How do you want to settle this? I just want you to be happy about the purchase.

06/23/2005, 11:27 AM
Oh another thing I find funny is I asked for a pic of the frag I was getting the night before you shipped. You said you didn't have a camera to take a pic of the frag itself... May I ask why? Maybe in fact you know theblues wasn't right in the first place?

06/23/2005, 11:28 AM
I used live sand and live rock and cycled my tank fast i have't updated my profile in a while been to busy trying to rebuild my car i have nought like half my stock from Fish he's a good guy

06/23/2005, 11:31 AM
Becuase a friend had my camera taht weekend.

06/23/2005, 11:31 AM
We will just be done with it I guess. I like a lot of your zoos you had/have for sale and you just lost me as a customer. I don't want the chance to get Zoo Eating Nudi Branch in my tank and don't think any zoos will live in this heat in no protection in the USPS.

Buy your wife/girl friend something nice with the $20. :)

06/23/2005, 11:42 AM
This is the exact reason why i will never sell on RC because of people like this....


06/23/2005, 11:46 AM
Things happen. FishFreak is supposed to have sent out replacements. I was only looking at the posts with a critical eye, no evidence to support supposition anyway. Everything he has done shows he is trying to make the situation right.

There is always risk involved with buying items online, and that should be accepted. As hellraiser pointed out, he did not gaurantee the zoos. I have no real recourse here.

PWS, you should should have at least left the zoo in water for a few days. The surviving blue that I got from FF20 has opened up, and is very pretty.

06/23/2005, 11:47 AM
quakevirus you to huh? same reason i dont want anyone else to email me about selling anything to anyone

06/23/2005, 11:48 AM
yes, Nate yours was sent out and should get to you today if not tomorrow for sure.

06/23/2005, 11:58 AM
Thanks FF. And to others on this thread, I hate it that you all have decided to not sell online. That is very unfortunate for everyone, and the hobby.

I think that there should be a grading system similar to eBay. Rate buyers and sellers.

I buy tons of stuff online, mostly on eBay. We all know [violation] happens. It's just the laws of chance. How we recover from these events shows the character of those involved IMHO.

06/23/2005, 12:00 PM
ReefCentrals is a great site for info, but sometimes the members can be [violation]...ive delt with FishFreak20 recently and have had no problems BTW how are those GPE and that Ric i sent ya?

06/23/2005, 12:00 PM
<i><br>Here at Reef Central, we believe that dialogs between participants should be conducted in a friendly and helpful manner. If you disagree with a posting, please express yourself in a way that is conducive to further constructive dialog. Conversely, when you post on any given subject, you must be willing to accept constructive criticism without posting a hostile or inflammatory response. Personal attacks of any kind will not be tolerated. Please let’s work to insure that Reef Central remains a friendly and flame free site where everyone, especially newcomers, can feel free to post questions without fear of being unfairly criticized. Thank you for your cooperation.</i>

If ANY more attacks occur on this subject, the violators will stand in jeopardy of losing their posting privledges. Meanwhile, this thread is no longer a selling thread, but a feedback thread that has more than outlived it's usefulness.


RC Staff