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View Full Version : 2 Dwarft Angles in 65gal?>

06/06/2005, 09:11 AM
Would it be possible to house 2 dwarft anges "Flame and Lemon Peel," in a 65gal. tank w/o them fighting each other?

06/06/2005, 09:16 AM
I have heard different opinions on angels. All I know is that I put a flame angel in our gal reef tank, and within 2 days he had picked all the heads off of one of my xenia's and then started nipping at my clam. needless to say, that weekend my tank was torn apart to get him out. I have heard others say that they have never had any trouble with dwarf angels. Also I have heard that if you are adding more than one type of the same fish to make it an odd number. That was true with our Tangs. When we had two they fought all the time, we added another and they all chilled out. Ended up losing one Tang and sure enough, the two started at it again.

06/06/2005, 09:20 AM
Would it be possible to house 2 dwarft anges "Flame and Lemon Peel," in a 65gal. tank w/o them fighting each other?


all i've ever heard from the books i've read and the folks i've spoken w/ is NO... every once in a while, i'll get a MAYBE, if you're lucky and add both at the same time as juvi's, but, imo, it's not worth the risk... :)

06/06/2005, 09:22 AM
I'm don't think my tank will be able to support 3 angles :-\ maybe a coral butey since they stay small...or perhaps I will need to stay to one, any input of a lemon peel, flame, and coral beuty is a 65 large enough?

06/06/2005, 09:25 AM
Hmmp so if I add them at the same time then things may work out?

06/06/2005, 09:25 AM
I'd worry about fighting myself.

06/06/2005, 09:31 AM
I'd stay away from any of them, given your tank specs... keep the bioload small, however, a 65 is def. enough for a single flame or coral beaut. etc... but mixing dwarfs is usually a recipe for disaster... esp. in a 65, so i'd go w/ none or just one...

if you want to gamble, add a single dwarf and hope it likes flake and algae... :) it's good to add the dwarf after the tank is established, and it wouldn't hurt to keep some nori available for the angel to munch on... keep it from thinking about the corals...

people have certainly kept a dwarf in a reef tank w/ great success, but again i'd advise you to keep it to ONE dwarf... :)

hope that helps... flame and coral beaut. are good, hardy angels... don't know much about the lemon...

article (http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-02/hcs3/)

06/06/2005, 11:54 AM
I wouldn't do it .They will fight.