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View Full Version : Strange chromis...

05/30/2005, 09:38 PM
A couple of weeks ago, I took home a chromis from Keith's house that had been completely ripped up by another fish. His fins had grown back, but he was very thin and (still) looks awful.

First thing he did in my QT was try to meet his reflection. Poor, lonely guy -- being beat up by another chromis, you'd think he'd have had enough.

Anyway, he's in there with a new small male scooter being fattened up before being introduced to my big girl. I've been home all day, and am cracking up -- the chromis keeps trying to school with the scooter. (Who ignores him!)

I don't want to add any friends until I am sure he's going to make it, but he is definately an odd duck!

05/30/2005, 09:40 PM
my yellow tang tries to get my chromis and clown to clean it. It'll swim to them and turn to its side. Funny thing is, it doesn't let my cleaner shrimp do it.