View Full Version : the tank of DOOM! please Help!

05/10/2005, 05:21 PM
Hi, I have a 75 RR that I'm trying to get started, and my fish keep croaking! So far 1 clown fish and two striped damsels have bit the dust. They didn't even make it two days!

I checked my stats and they all seem spot on. temp 80, salinity 1.023 (refractometer), ph 8.3 (hanna ph checker), ammonia 0, nitrates 0, nitrites 0. I started this tank easter weekend, put about 30 pounds of live rock and 3.5" of live sand in there from my tank in the basement. I cycled the tank with a uncooked shrimp.

The clownfish I thought might have bit it because of light shock (first victim), so I put the damsels in last night, and left the lights off. come home after work and they are both toast. I acclimitized them using the drip method into a tinted plastic box over about an hours time (like I always do). The fish seem to start swimming funny, kinda torpedoing and swimming sidewats. I turned off my powerheads after the clown. I got all the fish from Petco, but they looked very healthy when I bought them...

What am I doing wrong???

05/10/2005, 05:33 PM
Well sound's like you're doing everything right. I'd sugest trying a different LFS. Also, have another source check you parameters if possible.

Is there any other life in the tank at all? Pods, bristleworms, etc...

05/10/2005, 05:37 PM
when i aclimate fish for over an hour i use an air stone to help with the oxygen try that & a different fish store.

05/10/2005, 05:41 PM
Did you clean the tank or purchase a used tank? I have read that there are some saltwater creatures that can put a toxin into a glass tank ( Silicon seals)to the point where nothing can survive in it. Also, some cleaning sponges can not be used on tanks as they make it toxic? try doing several water changes along with extreme skimming before putting another fish in. A blue or green chromis damsel are the least expensive and least aggressive. I have had some damsel live through alot, so it is surprizing to see they died on you.


05/10/2005, 06:05 PM
One last thing....how old or new are your test kits? When fish start darting like that in the water, there is something obviously wrong. Test kits do have an expiration date, so bring a water sample to a friend, or if you trust your LFS, bring it there. Ammonia usually makes the fish dart since it hurts their gills as they breathe, by then it is almost too late........ unless you have another tank

05/10/2005, 07:31 PM
they don't seem to be darting, kinda lethargic and off balance, like their swim bladder is screwy or something. I thought it was stress.

I did buy the tank used... the guy advertised in here. he said he never used meds in his tank, but who knows. He said his tank crashed because his lights screwed up while he was on vacation, or something like that.

I'll try a a real fish store, but I think I'll try to do several big water changes first. Good thing I didn't move my older fish from the basement. I would have hated to see them croak.

05/10/2005, 07:40 PM
the instructions for my test where printed in 2002. aquarium pharmecticals master test. except for the PH, I have a Hanna checker for that.

05/10/2005, 10:58 PM
I agree with most of the advice above. Maybe there is some kind of residue from the prior tank. I do some major water changes. I'd also maybe take your water to be tested at your LFS to verify what you're coming up with.

05/10/2005, 11:50 PM
Aquarium Pharmacueticals are a joke I had some of their test kits and showed nada when i first started. Then I compared it to a salifert kit after some frustrations to find that my param were almost spiking. Your tank is young, and that shrimp cycle was way unnecessary, causes more die-off, your rock on its own has enough dead crap to give u a cycle. My opinion, get some good test kits, salifert or seachem, and see what truth they tell. Im positive you'll be on the right track after that, good luck

05/11/2005, 06:01 AM
How is your LR doing? Are you noticing a large amount of die off?

Just an additional thought they may help you pin point what is going on.

05/11/2005, 07:04 AM
my live rock was already "cured" from being in my older tank downstairs. there wasn't too much life on it to begin with. I just got done setting up some new T5 lights (4x55w), it looks very white.

I did notice a small scrap piece of copper wire that must have fell in the tank when I was rigging up the lights and fans... that couldn't have done anything could it have?

maybe I'll attempt a digital picture when I get home tonight.

05/11/2005, 08:04 AM
You might try acclimating the fish slower. A lot of LFS keep their water @ 1.017-1.019 to help resisit parasite infections. 1.017 to 1.023 is a big jump in salinity to make in 60 minutes. Since I started acclimating slaower, 30-45 min. per .01 difference I haven't lost a fish. Also try another LFS, the store you've been going to may stock fish caught with cyanide. In which case 99.9% of them are doomed.

05/11/2005, 10:30 AM
I drip at 2-3 drips per second for however long it takes to get my pH and SG to match (dumping the water every time it doubles in volume). I have yet to lose a fish either. I don't think it matters if you drip for 10m or 3hrs as long as you move the fish when the parms match, and no sooner.

05/11/2005, 12:59 PM
I'm terrible with my Acclimation procedure, but have always been successful.
I'm leaning towards something being wrong with the tank. I've heard so many stories about fish dieing in new tanks.
Keep checking levels, do the good Acclimation with another Damsel.

05/12/2005, 04:34 PM
My money is on oxygen deprivation. Make sure the surface is agitated and there is good gas exchange. A skimmer is a good way to aerate the water or you could drop an airstone in to see if that is your problem. Beyond that I would second the former hand grenade idea that something might have croaked in there and tainted the silicone/rock/sand. But my money is on lack of oxygen.

05/13/2005, 11:51 AM
well my test kits were ok. I took a water sample to underwater world, and he checked it. I bought some damsels that didn't make it while i was there. I'm going to throw out all the old water and start with new stuff, and see how that fairs. I have a feeling I screwed up something while mixing kalk water with the old water.

I'm filling up a drum with RO water at home as we speak... I'm a little worried cause I left it running while I'm at work. hopefully I won't come home to a flooded basement.