View Full Version : Dateline Romulus Michigan

Briney Dave
05/09/2005, 09:04 AM
Don't get me wrong, I love my local coral shop to death(North Coast Aquatics)and strongly urge all of you to support the shop of your choice, but my dear brothers and sisters you (all) owe it to yourselves to make a pilgrimage to the holy land. Topicorium in Michigan. Tropicorium.com

This place does not look to swell from the outside but I have never seen anything close to the size and range inside. The coral rooms are housed an old greenhouse filled with ten wide 40 foot long two feet deep tanks jammed with corals (not everyone you have ever seen) but a serious load anyway. They claim 40,000 gallons, honestly I would have guessed more.

Truck loads of live rock and sand.

the fish selection was more on the normal size but I think most species they are raising themselves.

your pal

05/09/2005, 09:26 PM
if you'd only seen Tropicorium 5-6 years ago that was impressive now it looks so run down and empty in comparison. Plus they had a fire 3-4 months ago and lost alot of stuff plus tanks. When did you go there Briney? I was there around a month ago and couldn't believe my eyes

Briney Dave
05/10/2005, 05:44 AM
I was there on Saturday, it is hard to believe they had more although they actually do have the room. one room of tanks really didn't have much in them but the back room was loaded.

I would still call it a cool must see.

05/10/2005, 05:56 AM
Back in the day they had vats of Ricordia rock all colors for 7.99 a pound. 5000 or more sps frags atleast, baby maxima clams 10 for 50 dollars. Now its a lot of soft corals with what good stuff left NFS. But your right its a neat place to check out, but I think we have to many nice stores in our backyards to bother with the trip to be dissapointed. IMO