View Full Version : Picture! i think my tang has ick see if you can tell???

05/07/2005, 12:48 PM
here is a picture of him

there are white spots on the black part on the back half of him. is this ick or something else.... no other fish has it yet and i just got him 3 days ago and i saw him in the fish store for like 3 weeks and he looked perfect...
the pic is hard to tell....

05/07/2005, 12:52 PM
Fire up the old QT/hospital tank and start catching fish!! If it truely is Ich, and you want to save your fish.. well, your not going to like it.. Catch everyfish and put them in QT/hospital, treat there there.. and let your display go fallow (fishless) for 6-8weeks. Sucks, and a PITA!!!

05/07/2005, 03:53 PM
Way to hard to tell from that pic, but take NwG's advice.

05/08/2005, 05:47 AM
I wouldnt do anything.Just feed the tank well and cross your fingers.If he gets covered,than its time to react.

05/08/2005, 06:11 AM
Even if it isn't Ich, you still must quarantine all new livestock from a Tang to a Snail.

05/08/2005, 06:33 AM
Blue Morphs are notorious for having ICH. Just get some crushed garlic from the grocery store and mix it with water. Nuke it for about 1:30. Start dripping that on your frozen foods. I too had the concerns with my tang. Over time it will be fine.

05/08/2005, 07:31 AM
You need to first remove this fish to a hospital tank.

You also made 1 big error. You added a fish to your tank without quarantine. This could be a fatal mistake for all your livestock. You should never add any new livestock to your system without a stay (6 weeks) in a dedicated quarantine tank.

If this turns out to be ich (and tangs are famous for it) you are going to need to remove all your livestock to quarantine for 8 weeks. The display tank must lay fallow for this time so that the ich can die out.

There is a lot more involved here and there is a ton of information on treating ich on this forum. (treatment with copper, hyposalinity etc)

As for the garlic thing, not to slam it but there is no evidence this works. There are incidental reports of success and even these are not consistent. (same goes for ginger)

Ich has a life cycle that is very well documented. "The ich fell off after I added garlic) has nothing to do with the garlic most likely. Ich falls off on about day 7 to continue its life cycle in the substrate. As long as there is not a new host (fish) the ich will die.

Please use the search feature and you will find a lot of information on ich and its treatments. Sorry for your bad luck.


Here ya go, this should give you a lot of help

05/08/2005, 07:36 AM
If its ich I suggest doing it the natural way. Get a cleaner wrass, and cleaner shrimp. Also you may want to check your water quality to make sure its top notch!

05/08/2005, 01:03 PM
Cleaner shrimp and cleaner wrass's will not cure the Ich.. Also, the takeing of cleaner fish from the wild is widely looked down upon... We don't know the exact impact on the reef with their removal, but it isn't good...

As stated above, their is only 2 true methods that a proven to work.. copper/hypo in QT and a fallow tank... everything else is a risk to your livestock....

05/08/2005, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by NwG

As stated above, their is only 2 true methods that a proven to work.. copper/hypo in QT and a fallow tank... everything else is a risk to your livestock.... DITTO