View Full Version : Baby Goniopora's For Sale!

04/19/2005, 08:15 AM
Well, we have decided that its time to sell off some more Goni babies. We had to wait until they were healed up from the drop and made sure they were 100% healthy. Its time, they are very LARGE, STRONG and extreamly HEALTHY! We shipped some last time but this time around we want to stay local.

We have a total of 4 to sell. There is some special needs these guys require. So please only inquire on the purchase of one if you can meet their requirments.

You must have lower lighting...basically anything lower then MH will do. They were raised under PC lighting, if you have higher then 576 watts, they will have to be acclimated. They will not acclimate up to MH lighting, they will not tolerate it and will perish in a few weeks. You MUST keep the strict diet going...and I do stress this is a must. I know it sounds crazy but we have had great success and 7 babies so far, none of which have died.
They flourish with the Liquid Life MarinePlankton food once a week. You need to target feed, they will not be able to catch it as it floats by. Please make sure your tank is stable in all aspects, no recent tank crashes for no reason. Also meaning, no Nitrates/Phos and your tank has to be mature and keep a stready Temp. Any major fluctuation will cause stress and possible death. If it raises a degree or so during the day, thats fine, but no swings..ex..79-83 or higher.

I know this sounds like Im being too picky and untrusting but I want to make sure that they are going to a good home and that they will be cared for in the same manor as we do. We have raised the parent for over a year now and it turned out to be a strong coral, so the babies will be just as/even stronger then the parent. So, with that, if you feel like you would like a baby and you will love it like we do, you are more then welcome to come by and pick out your new one!
We are asking $40 a piece only because of all the special time taken to raise it. We know you can buy a huge Goni for $30-$40 at the LFS but what you are getting is a 100% proped coral that is stronger then anything you can purchase from those stores.
We stand by the fact that from the moment you walk in the door, you will be amazed at the size of the parent and babies. No one has ever seen anything like this before! Please feel free to PM or email if your interested. We will be setting up times on Sunday for people to come by.
Thanks for checking out the thread!

04/19/2005, 08:43 AM
i checked out your website...it's awsome....very cool that you can have such success with a coral others have a hard time even maintaining. Might I ask how exactly you were able to achieve the goni spreading to neighboring rocks?

04/19/2005, 08:56 AM
after reading further into your great site, you seem to keep saying the goni 'drop' and 'have' babies...can you elaborate on this? (sorry to be annoying i'm just very interested in your findings)

04/19/2005, 09:05 AM
What happens is the parent coral will begin to have a little bump on its flesh, usually on its top/side-ish. This little bump gets bigger and bigger, then moves completely to the parents side and starts to hang off the edge. Eventually it is only hanging on with a little flesh and drops off. From the time you start to see the bump form to the time you have a baby is about 5 months give or take a month or so.
From what I have heard, most of the time the babies are pea sized. These babies are the size of baseballs. Its weird, very weird!

04/19/2005, 02:13 PM
I was very skeptical of your project when I first read about it. Glad to see it has worked out so well. I would love to have one, but I dont fit the requiremtents with lighting.
I was one of the many people that bought a Goni from Petco about 2 years ago. Beatiful piece, slowly killed it over a 4 month period.
It really is a nice piece to have in a tank.


04/19/2005, 03:11 PM

I'm still intersted. But as of now I'm having some temp swing issues. As soon as I get my cooling system working I want one ;)

04/19/2005, 06:30 PM
Temp plays a big role when it comes to continued health of these guys. Not sure how to help you out with your temp issues other then possibly try using a fan to cool your water.

04/19/2005, 06:48 PM
I got them in the mail today with a controller so I will be fine soon. Just need the glue to dry :D

i also got a sensor i'm gonna put on my lights if it gets too hot