View Full Version : Is this good for my refugium?

01/17/2002, 10:48 PM
Hey guys my tanks is in the 6 week I only have LR and LS with 5 turbo snail, 10 astrial snail. My tanks has grown green hair algae and some big leaf like looking aglgae on my rock. Well i took the green hair algae off the sand and threw it in my refugium. a week has pass and the hair algae has grown to bout 4 inch high. Is this a good idea? Also what are the leaf like plant that is growing all over my rocks?

01/17/2002, 11:21 PM
Hey Hool. Here is John Rice's Algae Gallery (http://www.globaldialog.com/~jrice/algae_page/algae_gallery.htm). Check and see if you can find your variety there. Most probably, it is a type of caulerpa algae. This is good stuff to have in your refugium, but can be a problem in the main tank due to the way it spreads. It can tend to choke out corals, and can be difficult to remove completely once it gets established.