View Full Version : Electrical properties help needed

04/11/2005, 11:45 PM
I have a Aquacontroller III PRO, and the conductivity probe. It was recommeneded that I use a "drip cup" with the probe in it to isolate it from any stray currents in the tank. This would be a cup that has water dripping into it (so there is no water "link") and overflowing out into the sump or whatever. I have a good game plan to make this work, but need to know if any of this current could go through acrylic.

My plan:

Create an acrylic "cup" with some acrylic tubing, and a bottom. Glue this to the side of my fuge (which is higher than sump level) Drill a hole in the side of the fuge (its acrylic) and stick in a piece of airline hose with a valve on it. This would be dialed to drip into the cup, thus creating a drip cup. I would then drill a hole on the front so the water could flow out and into the sump.

This seems like a good plan, unless the currents could go through the acylic, then Im foiled.

Only other option is some sort of suspension deal that would be very annoying when doing maintanance.


04/12/2005, 10:31 AM
awwww come on,,, someone out there has to have an idea of the answer to this?!