View Full Version : Trouble with XM MH bulbs

04/11/2005, 07:57 AM
Anyone having trouble with their XM bulbs not firing after only a few hours of use?

I bought two XM 10K bulbs...one wouldn't fire (No, it wasn't the ballasts). Returned it for another....after a couple days, it wouldn't fire as well. When they have fired up, they did immediately. I tried leaving the ballast 'ON' for about 5 min...still nothing.

I then noticed that if I lightly "tap" the bulb a couple times, it would fire up fine and appear "normal"

Any ideas why?
Is this common for XM bulbs/MH bulbs in general?
I'm new to MH so bear with me on this one, please! :D



04/11/2005, 09:19 AM
It sounds like you might have a bad contact or something in the socket. You could also have a ballast bulb difference, like a probe start bulb with a pulse start ballast.

04/11/2005, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by TANGBOY5000
You could also have a ballast bulb difference, like a probe start bulb with a pulse start ballast.

XM 10K bulb
IceCap 250W MH ballast

"IceCap" sponsor on RC says this combo should be 'fine'

04/11/2005, 10:29 AM
SE or DE?

04/11/2005, 10:36 AM

04/11/2005, 10:40 AM
Had one do the same but lasted only 4 days then went to crap all together. Trying to get the replacement from Custom Aquatic, been 3 weeks no sign of it yet. Probably won't buy from them again. Oh Yeah it was SE on an IceCap 250w ballasts

04/11/2005, 10:53 AM
Icecap should be fine. I use ARO Electronic ballast with good results, my friend uses icecap and it has shut off on him too:rolleyes: But XM bulbs are the BEST

04/11/2005, 10:55 AM
Just gonna have to stick with it, but the 'gentle tapping' needed to get it lit is BS :mad2:

Hopfully I can get it replaced. Don't know if I'll go XM next time.

04/11/2005, 11:41 AM
XMs have a known problem with IceCap ballasts, as stated on numerous websites. For some it works, for most it doesn't.

04/11/2005, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by TANGBOY5000
XMs have a known problem with IceCap ballasts, as stated on numerous websites. For some it works, for most it doesn't.

I heard that too...but....the word is (supposedly) that the problem 'only' exists for DE XM bulbs. I searched high and low and asked IceCap about it here on RC. According to 'them', there is NO problem with the SE XM/IceCap combo.

Anyway, thats what I was told :rolleyes:

Either way, the XM bulbs look nice when they're fired up!

Just gonna have to wait and see.

04/11/2005, 12:42 PM
Are you sure the problem is not the mogul socket? It sounds like a connection issue to me. Something is obvioulsy loose if tapping it gets it to work. I would figure it out before leaving it unattended. If the connections are loose somewhere and it arcs, you could have a fire. :(

04/11/2005, 12:51 PM
Its been kept off for now.

I thought the same thing (arcing). Its the bulb in some way...
Skrewed it on as reasonably TIGHT as possible...switched sockets...same bulb...another XM bulb works fine in either socket on either of two NEW IceCap 250's

Bulb can't be bad if I can get it to fire, but I thought there maybe something going on internal...I don't have enough experience with MH to come up with anything else other than...I should simply try and get it replaced!

Thanks for all the input, though.


04/11/2005, 09:02 PM
radone contact Jason at XM for a quick replacement

04/12/2005, 06:16 AM
Originally posted by Cosmo^Kramer
radone contact Jason at XM for a quick replacement

If I have trouble getting a replacement (now or in the future), is that contact information good for XM bulbs in general?

04/12/2005, 08:11 AM
I'm using the 20k XM w/ 250w icecap. I've had no problems.

04/12/2005, 08:28 AM
Sorry, I messed up I had an Ushio 250w not an XM, will probably change to XM's though.

04/12/2005, 09:12 AM
Think I may have solved my problem...

I'll let you know later when I can further test my hypothesis, but I think it may be related to the power strip I've been using!

04/12/2005, 09:28 AM
I've had that problem too. I was using a cheaper power strip once before and whenever something would turn on like a heater my lights would give a faint flicker?

04/12/2005, 10:10 AM
POS cheap power strips....

I guess you get what you pay for!

04/12/2005, 10:46 AM
I'm having the same problem with my XM bulb, but could also be a ballast problem. See my thread here "MH won't stay lit!" Tapping's not working for me though.