View Full Version : So much for Euro Reef "plug and play"

04/08/2005, 06:25 PM
I just set up a brand new ES 5-2, it's foaming like crazy (good?) but it fills the collection cup in, oh... say, 10-15 seconds. Needless to say, this isn't skimmate, but just plain ol' salt water that it's collecting.

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. The skimmer is in 7-inches of water (ER recommends 6-8"), and I've
got the outflow set as low as it will go.

What gives?

I'm super-frustrated because this skimmer was sold to me as "plug and play" no need to "dial it in." For that, I was willing to pay top dollar for a decent skimmer. Also, ER tech support is non-existent... the manual is super thin (no FAQs or troubleshooting info) and, if you call ER, they tell you that you can find FAQs on their home page (no phone support
)... well, I looked up and down, and there's nothing there.


04/08/2005, 06:32 PM
If it is new it will take some time for it to break in and stop overflowing........I have an asm that did the same thing...patience!

04/08/2005, 07:45 PM
yeah all skimers need to break in mine took about 2 days. But once it's broken in you will be happy

04/08/2005, 09:14 PM
the deltec website says to put some vasaline around the inside lip of the riser tube inside the collection cup, right were the bubbles would overflow into the collection cup. many have done this and it has stopped the excessive bubbling problem. just smear a little on and enjoy
