View Full Version : Please Vote

04/02/2005, 05:01 PM
I trying to see if the members of NJRC would like to appoint a new board. I would like to get this club rolling and would like to get input from you. if you would like to move the club foward please let us know.


04/02/2005, 05:38 PM
Im with Kevin with this im posting stuff to try and find out how to run 4 President n Vice President for me and him we both have alot we wanna do for the club and both have the time to do it please vote and lets get this club to its full potential

04/02/2005, 05:43 PM
got my vote

04/02/2005, 06:36 PM
32 views and only 5 votes come on people do you want to do something with this club or what

04/02/2005, 06:56 PM
got my vote,

just hope the other 3 are from real members, not just people browsing the forums, I think the voting should be done on our site,


04/02/2005, 07:03 PM
not enough people use our own site to do it there but it also needs to be known here that we are trying to do this

04/02/2005, 10:14 PM
got my vote

04/02/2005, 10:20 PM
OK, I'll go, to start with, I dont know who you are. I've seen a lot of things you've posted. I gotta say some of it seems kind of strange to me. Like the time you posted to rave about the LFS that gave you a good deal on something, said you could get us all a deal too, then you started bashing other LFS's, then it comes out that you actually have a vested interest in the store. All of this in the same thread. I never said anything about it, but it seemed rather odd to me.

So tell me, what are you gonna do to make the club better?

I personally use this site to communicate with people and get in on trading and group purchases. I dont ask for anything, well I cant, I never actually paid my dues. Been waiting for another meeting that I can make to do that.
I've known a few people in this group for a couple years now, it's all very casual. Remember, there are actually real people holding the postions right now.
Maybe it would be best if you just waited until certain people are ready to give up their positions, instead of being so outspoken about it, starting polls and such. Take the time to talk to them in person about what you have planned and it might go better.

Anyway, good luck in your quest.


04/02/2005, 10:38 PM
im with Hef,before i vote for anyone i would also like to know what u plan on doing with the club,i know we are in need of some help getting the club going so may bee u should start a thread about who u are how u got in to the hobby & how u plan on helping the club then we can all vote.

04/02/2005, 10:46 PM
i've been trying to contact the main people running the club as have others for a long time now

i would just like to get more people to the meetings so we can better introduce ourselves i'm not trying to step on anyone's feet as i post in other threads i would just like to make the club better

as for the LFS i did work out a great discount for members of the club and i don't trash other stores i just comment on them as does everyone else in this thread before you start jumping down my throat read into it alittle and then comment i've been working side by side with nyfireman3097 to try and get something to spark around here and nothing is happening we can barely get a meeting together as no one wants to stand up and suggest a simpl date so if you would like to not have a new board then place you vote as NO and thats it otherwise help us and try to get things going

as for what i can do for the club i have a lot of conecctions with coral and fish distributors as i frag corals myself and would like to use this advantage to the clubs best intrest also would like to have raffles and auctions for corals available to members at the meeting and not just people selling and trading corals as malcolm has done at his meetings which is great

04/02/2005, 10:48 PM
i'm not here saying vote for me i'm just asking if you the members of NJRC would like to put together a new board then i would like to step up and run along side nyfireman3097 and others that would like to run

04/02/2005, 11:15 PM
Hey Heff,
Whats up well bro what me and reeftreasures are trying to do is jump start the club niether I or reef are badmouthing any 1 about things its just apparent that who is running it does not have the time to do it we do we want to i have alot of hook ups s does he which will be used to hook all the members up with. We will have raffles for sps's and zoo's a the meeting we will conduct roadtrips to places as Dr.Macs where we will set up discounts to them for ur trip i have people that wanna sponsor our club and site we will have meeting for group buys we will have other stuff like TOTM where we all vote on each others tanks that are submitted where the winner will get a prize from a coral to a guft recipt discounts at some stores hat we can get we have alot of ideas there are alot of members that have paid and yet to recieve there membership cards people on the NJRCsite that come by to check it out and see nothing so they go else where the people i have met and that i talk to onlinw on the phone are great people and we wanna get thingsinto shape we can get ORA frags for meetings Bali wild colonies we wanaa make this club like i hear it used to be not putting blame on the new guys runnng it but apparently they do not have the time to do these things Bob asked fir help on the NJRC site in a post i was the only one to respond to it i gave him my cell phone number and he never git back to me or to the post Reef has been trying to get the board guys to respond to emailss and nothing back people are complaining asking if this club is real they pay nd see nothing get nothing not even responses ALOT of members do not use or can not use RC so they go to the site and nothing nothing telling about meetings no one posting is it tha hard to post here and copy n patse it there for fellow members that dont use rc can see also we are all in the same club lets star being a big club every1 says why post there no ones there only a few people my awnser is thatts because of that awnser all we wanna do is bring this club together and do our best to have everyone want to make sure they make it we ill have a christmas party or a holiday party where every one will leave with a gift for there tanks lets have pride in our club i know of alot of groups that use this site like ours yet there own sites are jammin jut as much so after reading this i hope you vite to have a vote on a new president and board to get this goin we have other things in mind also :)

04/02/2005, 11:19 PM
sorry about the spelling i had surgery on my arm yesterday and im typing with one arm lol

04/03/2005, 11:44 AM
interesting....tagging along for this one, before i make my decision on a "vote". I do agree that this club needs to start "going somewhere"...i say we make bumper stickers that read.....WWW.NJREEFERS.ORG to advertise our site. Maybe make fliers about our club and the meetings and get our LFS's to post them in the store....Anythings possible. My suggestion...and i know it's been attempted with no luck, but it's only fair to Talk to the Members of the Board and see what their plans are as far as the club, See if they want to hold an election for new Cabinet. Maybe they like the way the club is kinda low key and want to stay running it as such? Who know's. Im down for what ever.


By the way, Does anyone know what our club dues are for? What's been done with all the money? Food and drink at the meetings?..? Any plans for all this money? Havent seen anything or knowitced anything being done with the clubs money. Just courious.
PS. Im a member for quite some time now and dues are paid in full to date, and other then being able to attend meetings, ive yet to recieve anything in return from the "Club". Any PAID feild trips being planned with the "clubs" money? Just courious where the moneys going. :confused:

04/03/2005, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by ToUcHoFeLeGaNcE
...i say we make bumper stickers that read.....WWW.NJREEFERS.ORG to advertise our site. Touch.

LOL:) I think the Local Sheriff my want to know what's in your Glove Compartment with a sticker like that. Maybe a little comment at the bottom of the Sticker like ..." It's a Saltwater FishTank Thing"

04/03/2005, 11:59 AM
lmao i hear ya bro hey hef what do u thtink of my post bro are you comin over on the 10th for the meeting we can talk more bro :)

04/03/2005, 12:08 PM
i thought we have a slogan....like saving the reefs one living room at a time? or something like that. I could get the bumper stickers made, in like 20minutes, but i would need the approval of the clubs president to do so, i could sell them at the meeting.

04/03/2005, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by ToUcHoFeLeGaNcE
...i say we make bumper stickers that read.....WWW.NJREEFERS.ORG to advertise our site. Touch.
LOL I think the Local Sheriff my want to know what's in your Glove Compartment

04/03/2005, 04:57 PM
hey steve u gonna come to the meetin at my house next week ? Like to meet u and the others that i havent met yet

Steve Ho
04/04/2005, 07:12 AM
Well as for where the dues money has been going, I know the plan was to save enough money so that the club could incorporate as a non-profit organization. The cost was on the order of several hundred to a thousand dollars, don't quote me on the exact amount. The problem was that they couldn't get a majority of members to vote yes to become a non-profit org. This was all discussed in detail at the November meeting at Jason's.

There was also a balance sheet handed out at the Nov. meeting giving full account of all club monies. Maybe someone can get you a copy of that if you're interested.

Personally, I don't see the need to incorporate as a non-profit. Seems like a high cost, low reward prospect. JMO.

If you guys are interested in serving as officers then why not run in the next election? I don't think it's good for club morale to stage a coup. I think you guys will get more support if you go through the proper channels. Incidentally, anyone know when the election is usually held? I just joined last fall so I couldn't tell you.

Also, I'm not sure that BobC actually resigned as treasurer. He just needed some help as too much of the burden was falling to him and he's real busy this time of year. Jeff and our webmaster have both remained active so it's not as if there is no leadership.

04/04/2005, 07:51 AM
thats the thing we were askin wen it is we were askin what to do no one would respond Bob needed help i offered he never got back to me i gave hoim my number never called me some1 mentioned they think they aalmost posative that people havr backed down howlong does it take for someone to check out his responabilites as a member leader and respond to people when they have qustions or need something done all they are, are members voted in so if awnsering questions and helpin out guys in the club that need it is too much due to lack of time step down let someone that can and wants to do it
:) hope to see you at the meeting next week