View Full Version : Dog Forums?

03/19/2005, 01:49 PM
Anyone know of some good dog forums? I'm looking for something sorta like RC that I can read up on care, grooming, training, nutrition, ect. So can anyone help me? I know there has to be some out there, I typed in "dog forum' in google but didn't turn up much. So far the only decent one I've found is DogHobbyist.com (http://doghobbyist.com/).


03/19/2005, 02:38 PM
The best I found was one called doggiedoor.com
It was very helpful for the behavioral stuff. I had issue with some of their health advice. They recently had a server crash and lost everything (and I mean everything).

They're trying to revive it right now at


03/19/2005, 03:08 PM
:D thanks, wil check it out... Still looking for more!

03/19/2005, 03:54 PM
dino, there are some yahoo groups that are breed-specific. i can't tell from the pic and i don't remember if you ever said but is your lil guy a border collie? even if he's not a purebred, you could try the yahoo groups that are closest to his breed.

by the way, which ranch do you work on? we used to go on pack trips from the triangle x in moose. beeeeautiful country!! :)

03/19/2005, 05:19 PM
:) Thanks for the tip will check them out. The shelter said he was a border collie/shetland sheep dog mix, and they probably have a better clue to his breeds then I do ;).

:D I had to look up on the map just to see where Moose was (its over by Jackson right?)! I'm east in the state by Sheridan, live up in the mountains. The ranch I'm on is Rapid Canyon Ranch, if you've ever heard of Eatons' Ranch I'm not too far from it. Also Rizzuto (former CEO of Conair company) has a ranch right next to the one I'm on.

03/19/2005, 05:24 PM
Sorta species-specific, but still alot of general info that can be applied across the board.


03/20/2005, 05:44 AM
:D I'm reading through them all, thanks for all the help, but I can still use more!

03/20/2005, 10:43 AM
yes dino, the triangle x ranch is just outside of jackson. that is some of the most beautiful country i have had the pleasure to vacation in. our pack trips up into the tetons were just awesome.

when we first started going out there, we spent a week on the ranch. after 2 or 3 years of that, we decided on pack trips. staying on the ranch was great but it was frustrating to go trail riding with "city people" who didn't know one end of a horse from the other! being an experienced horse person, i used to go out with the wranglers at 4 a.m. to bring the horses in. it was some of the absolute best riding i ever did, saw lots of wildlife down by the snake river and it was so peaceful!!

03/20/2005, 11:09 AM
:D:lol: Its always funny to watch city people on a horse! I have family over there (my aunt is a teacher somewhere around Jackson there). I think they get a lot more moisture over there, here were a big ol' desert. Pretty dry and hot in the summer. Not much green at all! :) Maybe I'll have to get some pictures of the ranch horses, one is 30-something that nobody has ridden in a least 12 years. He's a womans horse (at least you used to be able to put any girl on him and he was fine, but if a guy trys to ride him watch out!). The other one is my uncles/cousins 5 year old. He's going to be going to my cousin who works on an air force base since my uncle never rides him.

03/20/2005, 11:21 AM
nice to know that they don't send a horse to auction just because it's no longer rideable!

i have a funny one for you dino...our first year on the ranch, the night everybody gathered for a weiner roast, the head wrangler went around and asked everybody what their "horse" experience was. i told him i was an experienced rider (which i was) and kiddingly told him i had to have a paint horse for the week.

next morning, we all go out to meet our horses. a wrangler walked toward me leading a lovely little pinto colored mare. i thought yipeee, this'll be great for vacation pics, nina on a pretty horse!

as he handed me the reins, he told me she had only been ridden a handful of times by a wrangler. she did NOT stand still for mounting. she did NOT stand tied. you could NOT take pictures while in the saddle because she would spook at the sound. she would NOT lope without bucking up a storm. i really think the wranglers were all trying to "pimp" me and thought they'd have a good laugh when i got dumped.

i asked them, if i'm able to do all of those things by the end of the week, would they let me go out and wrangle with them? they said oh yeah, sure, go for it.

by the end of the week, that mare was standing still to be mounted, she would stand tied to a tree for hours and i took rolls and rolls of pictures while in the saddle. she would also go into a lope with the slightest leg cue and after going in tight circles once or twice, she never did buck again. oh yeah, while everybody else on the place was enjoying fun and games, i was out in the round pen working that mare into the ground!

toward the end of the week, i asked if they were gonna keep their promise. they did. i wrangled and i wrangled with them every year after that. :)

03/20/2005, 11:40 AM

Here is a couple pictures...

My cousins 5 year old horse, doesn't really have name...

And this is the 30-something horse, name is plentycue...

03/20/2005, 11:57 AM
hmmm, might i suggest "tubby"???!! looks pretty well fed, that guy does!

nice looking 30 year old!

03/20/2005, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Ninapearl
hmmm, might i suggest "tubby"???!! looks pretty well fed, that guy does!

nice looking 30 year old!

:lol: And to think that was the middle of last summer when we don't feed 'em! :D

03/20/2005, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Ninapearl
yes dino, the triangle x ranch is just outside of jackson. that is some of the most beautiful country i have had the pleasure to vacation in. our pack trips up into the tetons were just awesome.

The Turners who own that ranch are good friends of my family. We used to go up there for a week every summer (my dad still does). Even the years that we didn't do the pack trip, we had some really float trips down the Snake.

Originally posted by dinoman
Thanks for the tip will check them out. The shelter said he was a border collie/shetland sheep dog mix, and they probably have a better clue to his breeds then I do

Based on what I've seen from other breeds, I doubt it.


03/21/2005, 05:56 AM
Originally posted by Wolverine
Based on what I've seen from other breeds, I doubt it.


Hmmmm, care to take a guess at his breeds then? Like I said that is what the shelter said, and even they said they had to no way to prove anything, and that it was just a guess. In the end it really doesn't matter but its always nice if someone happens to stop you and ask "What kind of dog is that?" if you can come up with an halfway intelligent answer ;).

03/21/2005, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by dinoman
Hmmmm, care to take a guess at his breeds then? Like I said that is what the shelter said, and even they said they had to no way to prove anything, and that it was just a guess. In the end it really doesn't matter but its always nice if someone happens to stop you and ask "What kind of dog is that?" if you can come up with an halfway intelligent answer ;).

I would just call him a border collie mix. I definitely agree on that part, based on the pictures you've shown. As for the rest, it's really a wild guess unless you knew what the parents were. I didn't mean to imply that they were wrong in this case, just that the guesses they make are often not close.

If you look around on Petfinder, you'll see that most of the guesses are way out there. It seems that most dogs end up getting labelled as a german shepherd or lab mix. It's not uncommon that the dog will look nothing like either of the proposed breeds.


03/21/2005, 09:52 AM
:lol: I know what your talking about on petfinder! When I was looking for this guy there was a lot of pictures that totally did not match up with what they said it was!

Sugar Magnolia
03/21/2005, 10:55 AM
:D http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2004-51,GGLD:en&q=dog+forums

03/21/2005, 11:01 AM
:lol::lol: Thats hilarious! Just by adding an "s" at the end it comes up with completely different results.