View Full Version : Are Emerald crabs aggressive torwards other crabs??

mermaid man
03/15/2005, 09:37 PM
I bought a Porcelain Anenome Crab last night and he seemed fine through the night and this morning, but when I came home from work tonight, he was dead. He was broken into multiple pieces. His Thorax, Claws, and legs had all been picked apart and he was being munched on by my Emerald crab. They were roughly the same size but the Anenome Crab had much bigger claws and seemed to be more of the aggressor. What could've happened??

By the way, is it o.k to leave the crab parts in the tank for the crabs to eat? My dwarf blue-leg and red-leg hermit crabs seem to enjoy feasting on his remains.

mermaid man
03/15/2005, 10:33 PM
Hello, can anyone help please????

03/15/2005, 11:08 PM
i wouldn't worry about the crab parts - particularly if you see your cleanup crew handling it.

I believe the anemone crab claws are almost paper-thin like, unlike an emerald crab. So my odds would be on the emerald deciding it wanted a more meaty snack.

Any other aggressive critters in the tank? It's possible that when you saw it the anemone crab was dead already and the emerald was cleaning up.

El negrito
03/15/2005, 11:09 PM
Just taging along.
I would like to know the answer too. Last two crabs in my tank where removed for being bullys and I'm interested in adding an Emerald but I'm a little afraid.

03/15/2005, 11:59 PM
I have never heard of an emerald crab being carnivorous. By looking at the claws you can tell they are made specificly and exclusively for eating algea. The hole in the middle of the claws when they close displayes that they are algea feeders. If a crab doesnt have this circular gap between its claws then it is carnivorous, an easy way to tell.

Hope this helps

mermaid man
03/16/2005, 12:15 AM
I don't have anything aggressive really. Here's a run down of everything in my tank. Maybe someone knows if any of these guys could've been the culprit...


1 Yellow Tang (med size about 2 & 1/2 inches)
1 Clarkii Clown (also med size about an inch)
1 Percula Clown (juvenile, very tiny)
1 Zebra Damsel (kind of aggressive but also very small about half an inch)
5 Green Chromis (again they are tiny about half an inch apiece)
1 Royal Gramma (med to adult size about 2 inches)


1 Emerald Crab
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
1 Hawaiian Feather Duster
40 Blue Leg Hermit crabs
20 Red leg hermit crabs
6 turbo Snails

As you can see, I don't think any of my fish could've killed it except maybe for the Tang or the Damsel but the Damsel is tiny and would be no match for a Crab of that size IMO and my Tang is fairly new and still seems very timid torwards his/her tankmates, I believe it to be very unlikely that the Tang could've done this as well. The only conclusions I can come up with is that the Emerald crab took it out. What else could've pulled off all of it's extremeties including it's head?