View Full Version : new tenant

03/15/2005, 01:49 AM
we felt brave this weekend and brought home a new fish. i have read and been told when it comes to tangs you either have 1 or 3 or more and never 2. well we thought we would try 2. the big gamble for us was because we already have a purple tang who is the boss. well we saw this little guy and tought we just had to have him or her. i am glad to say all is going well now it was a little rocky at first but the after the purple realized the little powder gray could dart into just about any hole or crack and get away from him that he would be just as well to accept him. http://reefcentral.com/gallery/data/500/73929Powder_gray_tang-med.JPG

03/15/2005, 08:00 AM
I can not tell the difference in the powder brown and the gold rim tangs, I think something to do with the white patch on their cheeks. I have a 2 tangs in my 125g a purple tang and a Hippo tang. They do fine together.

I would keep a very close eye on the powder tang - they are ich magnets. Many of the non-scale fish have a greater tendency to get ich. I think (and I know because I have bought more than my share over the years) that the powder blues and browns are leaders of the ich pack.

Looks great - Good luck

03/15/2005, 08:51 AM
Very nice looking tang.

1package - here is a pic of my gold rim tang so you can see the difference. They are definately very similar.


03/15/2005, 09:43 AM
Great photo Bruce - I would love to have a powder blue as well as the Gold rim or Powder brown - they look great.

Once I move my lone Sohal to his new home I may get brave again and attempt a powder something.

03/15/2005, 09:29 PM
actually from the reading i have done the names seem to be interchangeable i dont know it they actually are. but do some research and you will find them called a gold rim in one place and a powder gray in another. the biggest difference i can see are the vertical stripes but i am wondering if they wont go away as it get older.

03/15/2005, 09:31 PM
how in the world do you get your pictures to come out so clear. i took i bet 15 and that was the most infocus picture i had.

03/15/2005, 09:52 PM
Looks like the same fish to me except msu's seems to be a juvinile.

03/15/2005, 10:32 PM
to be honest i actually hope the strips are a juvinile trate as i think the soild darker body looks better.

03/16/2005, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by msu
how in the world do you get your pictures to come out so clear. i took i bet 15 and that was the most infocus picture i had.

I have no idea, I took pictures for a year that would very rarely turn out then one day they just started looking good. I still can't get a decent full tank shot to save my life though.

The only thing I do is turn flash off, turn macro on and use the highest quality setting on the camera which is only a 2.0 megapixel. Then I use photoshop to reduce the size of the picture.

03/16/2005, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by firefish2020
Looks like the same fish to me except msu's seems to be a juvinile.

Both look like Acanthurus nigricans to me.

I can not tell the difference in the powder brown and the gold rim tangs, I think something to do with the white patch on their cheeks.

actually from the reading i have done the names seem to be interchangeable i dont know it they actually are. but do some research and you will find them called a gold rim in one place and a powder gray in another.

:lol: it's no wonder everybody is confused :lol:

Will the real powder brown tang please swim up? (http://www.wetwebmedia.com/GoldRimSs.htm)

Mike since he's new could the stripes be a stress reaction?
eg a bi-color blenny will stripe if stressed/startled.

03/16/2005, 12:22 PM
OK, after reading part of that I have determined that I have a ............. a pretty tang with white spots (not ich) and a yellow rim! :D

Oh, and for what it's worth I would say that it is true that they do not really tolerate other tangs or fish that resemble a tang. I've witnessed fighting between the tang and my rabbitfish a couple of times now.

03/16/2005, 08:11 PM
Well there are only about 78 species of tangs out there and who knows what gets caught and sold under what name but I agree with Amy on this, both seem to be "Gold Rim Tangs" I suspect the stripes will slowly disappear as the tang matures. Also it could be linked to malnutrition, more specific a vitamin deficiency. Make sure you get him to eat lots of Nori ASAP.