View Full Version : What Fish?

03/10/2005, 01:19 AM
Im seting up a 75 Gal and i would like to know your opinion about keeping this fish in it:

- Powder Brown
- Yellow Tang
- 4 Dispar Anthias
- 2 Ocellaris Clownfish
- Green Mandarin

The tank will have LPSĀ“s and some Soft corals

Are they too many fish? or its ok?
Which one would you add or remove?

Peter Eichler
03/10/2005, 01:25 AM
Powder Browns are some of the most parasite prone fish you can have in your aquarium, I usually don't suggest them for reefs for that reason. Anthias can be a pain to get to eat properly and can be difficult even beyond that depending (how bout some firefish instead?). I don't think it's too much, just make sure you have sufficient live rock and protein skimming. The two tangs may quarel a little but it's tough to predict, if you insist on the powder brown I'd suggest adding it and the yellow tang last and together.

03/10/2005, 12:46 PM
I want the Anthias because i like when they shool, also the swim all arround the tank.... does the firefish school?

03/10/2005, 12:52 PM
No, but a 75 isn't really able to provide 4 anthias with the space and room they need. Also, put only 1 tang in such a tank, and even a yellow in a 75 is debated by some (I say go for a yellow)

How about chromis? They school, or maybe some kind of orange striped cardinal fish.

03/10/2005, 01:09 PM
As long as the powder brown is the one witht he long white patch on the face then you are ok, they do the best in aquarium, the one with the small white patch on its face does not do well in an aquarium. All tangs get parasites, but a few cleaner shrimp and you will be ok

03/10/2005, 01:35 PM
Ditch the powder brown and the Anthias until you get to at least a 125. They really do better with more length, then again who doesn't. If it's schooling fish you're after, go for chromis, they come in alot of colors now fairly regularly: green, blue, purple, red, and yellow. Any of the cardinals would do well also, I keep a school of pajama cardinals in my tank.

03/10/2005, 02:08 PM
I've got a 125 that I managed to kill 4 Dispar Anthias in. I had no water problems, nore any other fish that fell ill. They were healthy when I put them in and just did the lying on the bottom fast breathing thing after about a week in the tank. That being said, I don't think you have a stocking problem with what you want. My fish are currently

7 blackaxel chromis
1 powder blue
1 hippo
1 naso
1 koles tang
2 mated oscillaris and a 10" magnifica host
1 mandarin
1 lawnmower blenny
1 marine betta
1 copperband butterfly
1 sixline wrass

I have had no water quality problems but added these fish slowly.
I've broken almost every rule here (4 tangs, mandarin/anemone...) and everyone is quite happy and fine in the tank.

The best advice is go slowly and trust your own findings, each fish is different and there are very few rules.

Good Luck,