View Full Version : tangs

02/26/2005, 04:47 PM
have a 90 gal reef and im having a hard time keeping achillies tang.im on my 2 one in 3 months. they always get ich.water quality is good have coral line algea all over also corals doing very good.


02/26/2005, 04:51 PM
Achilles tangs have a very poor record in captivity.

When they do survive they are usually kept in large tanks with turbulent flow.

They are not a beginner species and should be left to only experienced hobbyists.

jimmy n
02/26/2005, 04:53 PM
90 gallons may not be enough for an achilles. They require an abudance of swimming space. I've had no problems with mine (other than bullying) in a 240. Also consider re-evaluating your system before a second attempt at keeping a difficult species.

Just my experience,


02/26/2005, 05:09 PM
Try a powder brown tang...japonicus.