View Full Version : BICOLOR blenny sick?

02/26/2005, 09:14 AM
I posted this yesterday but I cant find the original post.
My bicolor blenny started scratching himself on substrate yesterday and today has gotten alot worse. I cant realy tell if he has anything on him because he moves so much and when he stands still he changes color with little ehite stripes on him. So if he has ich he is camoulflaging it! I notcied that my pseudochromi has also itched against the substrate a couple of times but no where near as much as the blenny. Blenny is also biting his own tail, like a dog who has a itch.

BTW this is a quarantine tank and here are the fish in it.
BIcolor blenny(rubbing on substrate ALOT,biting himself)
Pseudochromi(rubbing on substrate rarely).
clowngobi (yellow).
ammonia 0, nitrite .1

What do you think I should do? Start treating?

02/26/2005, 10:36 AM
Bump, anyone ?

02/26/2005, 04:49 PM
Here is your other post. If you go to search and type in your user name in the box on the right you can find every post you ever posted.


As for the blenny, it does sound like it has some type of parasite it's trying to get rid of.

Here's a pic of my BCB by the way, neat fish, hope yours makes out ok.


02/26/2005, 06:27 PM
I would start a hyposalinity treatment

02/26/2005, 06:45 PM
Thanks for the responses and the info on getting back to my original post. Ill continue my thread there.