View Full Version : Heat - some questions

02/15/2005, 04:30 PM
My new tank runs hotter than I'm used to. (This is my first reef tank. All my previous tanks are fish only.)
I typically run a fish tank at about 78.

My new tank runs 80 at night and raises to 84 in the day. I have the heater set at 78 so the temp wont crash, but the lights produce this heat and the rock/sand holds it.

Is it too high for corals to be happy?

Assuming it is, the top of the tank is covered in glass lids. This prevents jumpers, splashing and heavy evaporation, but ratains a lot of the heat. (Thankfully I dumped the Acrylic tank or I would have soup.) If I install (2) 4" fans in the back of the hood (already open to the air) how much of a temp drop can I expect without taking to top off the tank? My guess is I might be able to balance the temp fluctuation a bit and MAYBE see a 1-2 degree drop. But that is a guess, and not a very educated one.

Before I expend the effort and increase the noise, I am trying to determine if it is worth it.

02/15/2005, 04:37 PM

You can use eggcrate for cover insteab of the glass lid. Another sugg, is to add fans in your canopy...Ice cap fans are great with temp sensor. If u have open back canopy, the better. Adding a chiller would be an option also. good luck!

02/15/2005, 04:41 PM
Thanks. The fans in the canopy is the direction I am leaning but trying to determine if I really have a problem first.

A chiller wont work. No space under the tank. OK, maybe 4 sq inches. Enough for a ice cream sandwich, but no chiller.