View Full Version : diesse on trigger?description

12/24/2001, 07:12 PM
my fish only tank my trigger has transparent white mucus looking pin head size dots over entire body.. what is it? do fish shed a little after a year----i think my squiaral fish died from it and that was today 12/24/01---my lunar wrasse is doing great no problems ----my tank is perfect all tests and cleaniness is nice some algea not bad

12/24/2001, 07:17 PM
Moving to Fish Disease Treatment forum...


12/24/2001, 10:36 PM
By translucent I assume you can see through these spots somewhat. Most likely flukes from your brief description. Flukes are one of the few things that Fresh Water dips are very effective for. Get some Fresh water in a bucket, warm it to tank water and add some buffer to get the pH close the tanks pH. Dip each fish for up to 15 minutes in the fresh water. Watch the fish closely and remove at any signs of excessive stress. This will likely need to be repeated several times over a week to eliminate the flukes from the tank.