View Full Version : gate or ball valves?

02/10/2005, 07:20 PM
when using an external pump as a return pump, should you use gate valves or ball valves? i always see people use ball valves :confused:

02/10/2005, 07:32 PM
ball valves are a little cheaper, and if you need it to seal completely then they are the way to go. gate valves could get some gunk built up in them that would let them drip a bit. i like gate valves for everything just because they don't freeze up like ball valves do after a while. i have several ball valves that i can't turn anymore. about the only place i would put a ball valve these days is with a true union between a sump and external pump.

02/11/2005, 12:35 AM
Like Manderx mentioned, ball valves are good for controlling on/off situtations. Gate valves are generally more expensive, but allow for more precise flow control.

My rules of thumb;
- Pump/Hardware isolation = Ball Valves
- Pump outlet control/drain control = Gate Valves


02/11/2005, 06:26 AM
Ball valves are more reliable.


02/11/2005, 07:59 AM
Gate valves are more precise..... but require more "turns" to open or close. A gate valve usually only requires a 1/4 turn for open or shut. I agree with the above recommendations although I think a good gate valve is just reliable.

02/11/2005, 09:49 AM
Agree with the statement that ball valves are usually more reliable. Though a good quality Gate Valve is also very reliable. With the plumbing for my new 100G I am using a PVC Gate Valve for the drain into my refugium to get more precise control over the amount of water going through it. I think I paid like $9.50 for that gate valve though. So a gate valve that is safe to use for saltwater aquariums will most likely cost about 2xs as much as the ball valve will.