View Full Version : Neon Goby Question

01/31/2005, 11:27 PM
I have 2 neon gobies in QT and they are pretty small. It is almost time to move them into the display tank (75 gal) and I am concerned about them getting into my overflow. I have a guard on the overflow, but they are small enough to get through. If I put something up with small enough holes so they can't get through, it will slow down the flow and cause an overflow. Anyone have any insight into this?


01/31/2005, 11:32 PM
Put a small leash on them and tie them to a piece of rock.....

Sorry, just kidding....

Looks like you've taken all the precautions, I would just give it a try.

Worst case, you get into your overflow and fish them out....

Good Luck!!


01/31/2005, 11:35 PM
Good idea. Bust out a few rubberbands and connect them end to end. See how tough those little gobies are by how far they can stretch the rubberband!!