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01/31/2005, 02:10 AM
hi i was woundering if it was better to go with a sand bed or a gravel bed for a 55gal..what do u think?

01/31/2005, 04:29 AM
gravel is easyier but it dpends on ur seat up

01/31/2005, 05:27 AM
There is so much debate on this, but I'll give you my opinion.

I'd do either SAND or BARE BOTTOM... not gravel. Simply because gravel requires cleaning.

If you get sand, you can get animals that roam on and in it that will keep it clean and consume detritus that collects on it.

If you go bare bottom, you can just make sure you have enough flow to keep stuff suspended in the water column.

But if you get gravel, you have to be the one to clean it - either with a gravel vac, or blowing it with a powerhead, or something. It becomes yet another chore.

My personal take - I love a sand bed. Whether you decide on a shallow or deep sand bed, the animals that can live in it are endlessly fascinating and a great addition to aquarium life.

Do some researching before you decide so you can make the best decision for you.


01/31/2005, 09:11 AM
While sand is good .....keep in mind it gets water bourne and can get into the pumps and cut thier life down. Not written in stone but , I have had it happen.
