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View Full Version : OK my anemone split. Now what?

01/30/2005, 11:58 PM
I have a BTA that recently split into 2. I have read about this happening but was wondering how common is it? Also will they co exist since they used to be one or doesone have to go?. If it can stay can I put another clown for it? right now the true perc that was in it is now bouncing back and forth between the 2.


01/31/2005, 01:44 AM
ok once they split the best thing to do is leave them alone and do a 10% water change.. this helps the healing process...give at least a week and check to see if there new mouth has formed and healed all the way.. once that happens you can resume feeding them back to normal but give small pieces to start off with... you dont have to get rid of one both can stay...

01/31/2005, 04:10 AM
Just to add what bonesnreb said, no, you cannot add more clowns unless you plan on making a pair of the one you already have. If you are not sure how read the clownfish and anemone faq on the top of the forum.