View Full Version : Nilsen Reactor

01/13/2005, 01:10 AM
I want to set up a Nilsen reactor on a developing 140 gal reef. The fresh water replacements requirements vary from 3 to 6 gallons per day depending on fan use and room temperature. I understand that I can run my replacement fresh water through the Nilsen controlled by a float switch (in sump) and solenoid (between water source and Nilsen).

I also have an Octopus 3000 with pH probe that I can use to activate a solenoid for low pH conditions. My questions is - can I run tank water through the Nilsen reactor when my water level is at the 'normal' target set point? I could put a 'Y' in the inbound reactor line between the freshwater solenoid and reactor to allow tank water into the reactor. This second source would be controlled by a tank water side solenoid triggered by the low pH detected by the Octopus. Of course I will use a needle valve between the 'Y' and reactor.

Randy Holmes-Farley
01/13/2005, 09:10 AM
No, you cannot run seawater through a Nilsen reactor. You will get a mess of precipitate that contains magneisum hydroxide and calcium/magnesium carbonate. :(

01/13/2005, 04:29 PM
Thanks - that's what I was afraid of.

Randy Holmes-Farley
01/14/2005, 07:08 AM
You're welcome. :)

Good luck!