View Full Version : stocking my tank

01/05/2005, 06:36 PM
hello everybody,
I have been running my fowler tank now for ~9 months. I am ready to add some corals. I have 4 watts per gallon of power compact so i know i cant get inot anything extravagent. I'm thinking i want some mushrooms b/c I like those, but past that I need some ideas. Anything that you think this amount of light could sup[port would be awsome. Pictures would be great if you have them. Thanks a bunch, Justin

01/05/2005, 06:53 PM
Zoos and mushrooms.

You can really have an impressive looking tank if you mix the colors up a bit.

try www.saltwaterfish.com

Order $80 worth and the shipping is free.

01/05/2005, 07:04 PM
If I'm reading right, you have a lion, eel, CB butterfly and Rabbitfish in a 55 gallon, correct? And your skimmer is a Visijet?
If that's right, your biggest concern in choosing corals to add isn't lighting, it's getting corals that don't mind dirty water.
I'd suggest mushrooms and Xenia. The Xenia might help with nutrient export too.

01/05/2005, 07:10 PM
think i need to beef up my skimmer? I just got it cause it was super cheap. Water perameterrs seem to be good. If i beef up the skimming what would you suggest. thanks

Ben CC
01/05/2005, 07:16 PM
Leather Coral's would be another option- Sinularia or Sarcophyton should both do well under your lighting. As was mentioned earlier, though- watch those nitrate/nutrient levels.

01/05/2005, 08:14 PM
Copperbands sometimes eat corals, so be careful about buying expensive animals.

01/05/2005, 11:20 PM
Yes, I think you need a better skimmer. An AquaC Remora Pro would not be overkill considering your livestock. The fish you have will get large, if they aren't already, and create a lot of waste. You have a neat mix for a FOWLR set up, but lots of folks wouldn't try keep those species in a reef because of the waste they produce, and if they did keep them in a reef it would be in a MUCH larger tank. Most corals have a greater sensitivity to fish waste and excess nutrients than fish do. As I mentioned, Xenia and Mushrooms are exceptions and tend to tolerate or even enjoy slightly dirty water. Some sarcophyton and sinularia might do well too.
IMO, your lighting is actually fine for nearly all soft corals, LPS and even some easy SPS (e.g. Montipora). But keeping your Nitrate and Phosphate levels in a reasonable range over a long period of time will be very difficult if you keep those fish fed.

01/06/2005, 09:18 AM
thanks for the info! thats great I didn't think i would be able to have that variety of stuff (potentially). I'm not sure if this would work, but, b/c of limited space on the back of my tank, does a sump seems plausable. I don't really know anything about them yet? Any website or forum thread anyone knows of would help.