View Full Version : poor little guy...

12/16/2004, 10:48 PM
found a ps. ciliata at a shop near redwood city. poor guy was in a cubical of less than one gallon, his right raptoral appendage was in bad shape, he was kinda swimming really funky, like sideways and what not. i took him home today and hopefully he will be happy enough in his new home to do a proper molt. is it possible for mantises to grow new spears? or at least, repair damaged ones?

12/17/2004, 12:39 PM
If you search this forum you'll see that the answer is yes, assuming he pulls through and molts.

12/17/2004, 12:44 PM
Good luck!

12/17/2004, 04:34 PM
yeah, good luck with him. The little guy I just picked up was also in a tiny cube - maybe 7" x 7" x 7"... he seems fairly healthy to me though

01/05/2005, 07:43 PM
well, i figured this would happen, but i took the chance anyways. i lost him to a molt last night. he had been trying to molt for a couple of days but finnaly croaked and all i could find was his head. my cleaners took care of the rest. well, better luck next time. anyone know how to avoid this?