View Full Version : Geneticly Altered Fish

12/06/2004, 12:02 AM
O.K. some one today told me that some fish were "farmed" and wouldn't grow as large because they were geneticly altered. I've been told the opposite and the only fish I know of being farmed are clowns and cardinals that already dont grow large. Some specise he mentioned included hippo tangs as well as lionfish and large angels. Is any of this true?

Legal Reefer
12/06/2004, 12:35 AM
Salmon have been genetically engineered to grow big... there have been fears and bans of them in certain areas for fears of escapes into the general salmon population.

12/06/2004, 05:14 PM
is that it, what about aquarium fish?

12/06/2004, 05:58 PM
sounds like nonsense to me....
farmed fish are fish rised in captivity, and usually choosen for selective traits which sell better (brighter colors or werid colorations-albinos etc )or produce better fish (larger, grow faster, etc). that said, clownfish that are captive bred/raised and therefore more tolerant of tank conditions make great pets, but to my knowledge no one has monkeyed w/ their genes, these fish are fairly small to begin w/.
The only GEO that i know of are the green flourescent fish, i think their zebra fish (danios)

12/06/2004, 06:07 PM
that is exactally what i thought, now I've got some tough desisions...