View Full Version : Co Co worm reproduction

12/01/2004, 12:56 AM
Does anyone know how to get these worms to reproduce? Is it a sexual reproduction? Or is it one of those things that are left a rffe mystery? I have one that is doing real good, and an empty tube from one that was not so fortunate. Can I maybe rubberband this vacant tube to the tube that has the worm in it and hope for it to be colonized by a new worm?

12/01/2004, 01:11 AM
No one knows anything.

12/01/2004, 01:12 AM
that was a question?

Ron Popeil
12/01/2004, 01:16 AM
i would like to know this information as well....but i would imagine it would be more of a spawning sort of reproduction with spores being released into the water column....but i really have no idea.

12/01/2004, 01:24 AM
Spawning is what I was thinking as well. One night I seen my worm release a bunch of little pod looking things. Don't know if it was waste or eggs of some type. Anyone :(

Ron Popeil
12/01/2004, 01:26 AM
how long did you have the worm before it released the "pods"?
was it at night or during the day? what time during the day?

12/01/2004, 01:41 AM
The worm has been in this reef for over 2 years however I moved it last month to my home from the previous owners house. It was late evening when the actenics we're on.

12/01/2004, 01:42 AM
Why do you ask? Do you think it is reproducing? Or excreting waste?

Ron Popeil
12/01/2004, 01:50 AM
well im under the impression that most ocean creatures will spawn just before sunset. again i may be wrong, but i vaguely remember something about that. and if its been situated for two years....it may just be comfortable enough to try to spawn, especially if conditions are favoring it.
but i have seen some gooey brown particles come out of my coco worm which looks very much like waste. but a spawn by one of these would most likely look like steam or a mist escaping from it.