View Full Version : Canopy Paint?????

11/09/2004, 08:02 PM
Just built a canopy to house my mh I was thinking about painting the inside a white. Should I paint it ???? if so what type of paint can I use?????

11/09/2004, 11:13 PM
I made my own canopy and I painted it white.

Others may disagree but white reflects just as much light as a reflector. Use an acrylic paint and I used the second one up from flat, I can't remember what it is called at the moment. Just make sure to use quite a few coats you don't want salt and moisture to creep through to the wood. HTH

11/09/2004, 11:16 PM
I just finished my canopy. I painted inside white with exterior acrylic SUPER GLOSSY white. I primered first with Kilz to seal the wood and then applied about 3 coats for a uniform look. I just set up the tank today and I am thrilled with the way it turned out. It really does a great job of bouncing the light back to the water. I have also seen some interior stands painted white and I wish I had done the same now that I have been under there with the poor lighting trying to see my way around.

11/09/2004, 11:22 PM
I used Kilz also.....worked great!!

Good luck!!

11/10/2004, 10:16 PM
Ultra pure white in flat, I believe is the best.