View Full Version : 150 AGA Project

10/09/2004, 08:17 AM
I have owned a 58g Oceanic for 3 years and 1 year ago I purchased a 150g aga that has sat in my sunroom until today.
At last I have finished modifying a 30L sump with baffles and drilled return. I have an AGA stand but was not comfortable with placing sump under stand so I have braced the stand floor to support the 30L which I will have to place in stand before setting tank on stand. I have a RO/DI so all water will be DI.
I have a Mag 24 to use as return and an Aqua Medic Turboflow 1000 multi Skimmer.
160lbs Carib Sea aragonite 80 live and 80 dry to put in.
I will be placing 125lbs live rock
lighting will be 640 watts of VHO 2 actinic two white.
My intention is to post pictures as I continue but not until I get water and sand in place. I travel for work so there will be gaps depending on trips out of town.
Is this enough live rock; I will start out with fish only but knowing myself I will probably want to have some types of coral depending on fish.
The fish I would like to keep are tangs and some angels.
What type of fish and coral would you suggest?
Input as I go along will be appreciated.