View Full Version : I need fast answer for Ozzy, He's dying!!

10/06/2004, 10:48 PM
I have 2 clown fish, Sharon and Ozzy, they are the Osbournes. I have had them since they were babies. 4 years. Ozzy developed a white pimple on his nostril last week, his gills were agape and his mouth too. and has been listless and not eating, no others in my tank seem affected. I used melafix for 7 days and the pimple is gone but he was still not eating and just laying on his side and not looking too good tonite. So I had read about brooklynella and a fresh water dip, I took the appropriate steps with using 1 gallon roh water, brought up the temp and matched the ph to my tank. I put him in for 10mins. Now he is back in the main tank and not doing any better in fact he is worse, swimming at the top and gasping for air or getting blown about in the current, Sharon is frantic and trying to pull him by the tail back into thier hair algae patch, Is he going to survive? After a freshwater dip do they usually behave erratically after or is it too late and he's just dying, is there any thing I can do . Please advise me quickly!!!