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View Full Version : refugium lighting

09/18/2004, 11:12 PM
what kind of light should I get for my chaeto? I just started a refugium and I have no light yet. Please advise me. Be specific as possible becuase I'm a newb. thanks

09/18/2004, 11:33 PM
I have a 35 hex for mine and I use a 175 6500k halide in mine and it does a great job, I tried a 65w compact but it seemed to be to dim.

Todd March
09/19/2004, 01:19 AM
Chat will practically grow under a flashlight, though the more light the better... I would go with a double PC fixture (2 X 65Watt), such as Coralife makes... You can get them cheaply on Ebay.... You can do T5's or VHO, but it's a much bigger hassle. PC fixtures are everywhere and are cheap and plenty bright enough (with two lamps) to grow macros in fuges.

No matter what you choose, don't run any actinics over the fugeā€”use daylight bulbs, either 6500K or 10,000K...

Hope this helps....

Ramble On Rose
09/19/2004, 08:59 AM
i made the same switch as melev in this thread : http://archive.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=313318. the new bulb does seem to be working great, even on my fuge which is relatively new.

09/19/2004, 12:50 PM
got a homedepot($30) or cosco ($10) by, they sell this flood light which is great for a fuge grow macro like there is no tomorrow and easy on the wallet, good luck,


09/19/2004, 12:57 PM
Be carful, I read that not all those light have the same K.
Use the one in melev's thread. I have 6 over my 90 gal fuge and I cut stuff back every other week.
Great bulbs and last forever