View Full Version : Condy Anemones

08/18/2004, 09:14 AM
I just bought one from the local fish store. I set it in the tank. It attached itself to a rock but when I woke up this morning, it moved to the back of the tank inside the "cave" i made for the damsel. There is no current back there.... Will the anemone move itself out or should I fish it out today?

Is there special caring needs for this anemone? Placement in the tank? high up, or ground? heavy current?

P.S. - It's in my Nano Cube


09/09/2004, 11:21 PM
It will move alot until it finds a place it likes. Good luck!

09/10/2004, 12:23 AM
my condy actually died, in the tank... i hear my whole tank is poisoned. is this true? because coincidentally, my torch died soon after.

09/10/2004, 01:24 AM
do some water changes 25% or more
and test your water there is no way to know what's going on with your tank with out some water test

good luck

and Welcome to RC

09/10/2004, 09:32 PM
OLD WIVES TALE anenomes don't poison tanks, but death which = ammonia does, that is the problem. Do a water change and check your ammonia levels. condy's are easy to keep, probably got a bad one right off the bat. They do move alot though, cover PH inflows and you should be fine.
good luck, BTW clowns normally don't host in condy's