View Full Version : Are there any good reef books?

Neptune's Nemesis
08/10/2004, 01:13 AM
I am looking to get a couple of reference type books for species identification and information. I am not really looking for ones that teach how to run a reef system because heck I have RC. I would like to find something that shows the species, temperments, compatibilities, and such. Please advise. Thanks.

08/10/2004, 02:49 AM
Do you have a public library/Barnes n Noble/Borders close by? Visit those places to get a good idea of what you are going to find to meet your qualifications.

For quick references lots of LFS use this book:
Marine Fishes: 500+ Essential-To-Know Aquarium Species (Pocketexpert Guide Series for Aquarists and Underwater Naturalists)
by Scott W. Michael
Follow this link for other good books on a amazon list.

08/10/2004, 03:10 AM

Aquarium Corals: Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1890087483/ref=ase_reeflink/102-7182444-0426549?v=glance&s=books)

08/10/2004, 04:03 AM
I would recommend "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Bob Fenner, "Aquarium Corals " by Eric Borneman, and "The Reef Aquarium volumes 1 &2" by Julian Sprung and Charles Delbeek.
I keep these next to my reading chair and honestly can't seem to get my nose out of any of them.

The Fenner book is invaluable as a first look at the hobby- it introduces things in a very easy to comprehend manner. This is very welcome when entering a hobby full of technical issues that can be very intimidating. The fishes section reviews the most commonly kept species and gives a good overview of each family.

The Borneman coral book is just super when referencing specific corals and their care. Nothing on fishes, though.

And the Sprung and Delbeek volumes ( can be pricey new- check Ebay for a great deal) cover just everything from reef structure and zones to specific corals to handling and propagation to clam anatomy to lighting to reef chemistry- truly comprehensive!!
I would consider this set tops on my list.

08/10/2004, 04:06 AM
...or, check-out the RC Bookstore:


Didn't know we had one, huh? I didn't either. :D

08/10/2004, 05:41 AM
Sprung's Corals: A Quick Reference Guide.

08/10/2004, 06:15 AM

Also like the Fossa and Nilsson books, personally don't love the Sprung and Delbeek [IMO inconsistencies and other issues].

08/10/2004, 08:00 AM
For ID, I don't think there is anything better than Veron's Corals of the World.

08/10/2004, 08:37 AM
I ordered the wrong book by Borneman... its called "A Practical Guide to Aquarium Corals". Hopefully it'll be a decent book. :o

Neptune's Nemesis
08/10/2004, 02:57 PM
RC has a book section? All it needs now is a soda machine and I would never leave this site (ok and a bathroom). Thanks all it looks like I am off to the bookstore. If any other must have books pop to mind please add.