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View Full Version : Genius ayt work

08/08/2004, 01:57 AM
it funny, about an hour after the lights go out in the reef tank, and the corals shrivel up, the genius clownfish tries tohost either the brain coral or the giant green mushroom. it is pretty funny to watch here is a picture of it, the flash is on cuz it is at night. he is a little to the right of the flash. but why does he do it is he looking for somewhere to rest?http://reefcentral.com/gallery/data/500/67042100_0740.JPG

08/08/2004, 02:46 AM
At one point I had 2 clowns in the tank (later the dominant one killed the other) and one would host with my open brain and the other with my goniopora...then they would switch. Finally, they both started to share the goni. I guess the female decided she didn't want to share the tank/corals with the male and chased him until he died. Later I added an anemone but she won't go anywhere near it. I can move the goni around in the tank and she goes right to it every time. Clowns are just weird in a tank...

08/08/2004, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by Ishkabibble5710
but why does he do it is he looking for somewhere to rest?Instinct. If that clown tried to sleep anywhere but an anemone in the wild, it would be a snack for a nocturnal predator. It has not found an anemone it recognizes and it is going down the list of the closest thing it.

It will be fine in a tank without an anemone, but over time they tend to wear out LPS corals. I have had much better longterm success getting them in to GSPs, xenia, anthelia, etc.